Hunter Biden Indicted On Multiple Felony Tax Charges Including ‘Office Expense’ Deductions For ‘Over-The-Hill Strippers’ | ZeroHedge


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Hunter Biden Indicted On Multiple Felony Tax Charges Including 'Office Expense' Deductions For 'Over-The-Hill Strippers' | ZeroHedge

On the same day as House Republicans formalize the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, the special counsel investigating Hunter Biden charged the president's son late Thursday on nine counts stemming from his failure to pay his federal taxes on time on millions in income from foreign businesses.

A grand jury in the Central District of California charged Mr. Biden with three counts each of evasion of a tax assessment, failure to file and pay taxes, and filing a false or fraudulent tax return, according to the 56-page indictment (see below).

The situation is more serious now as the charges include three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanors.

As TechnoFog details on his Substack, the indictment is exacting and detailed, discussing Hunter's various business entities, the millions he received from foreign nationals and/or foreign business entities (such as those in China, Romania, and Ukraine), as well as the income and support Hunter has received from his entertainment lawyer, who happens to have paid "over $1.2 million to third parties for [Hunter's] benefit" in 2020.

It also makes the case - a case known to the public for this last year or so - that Hunter willingly engaged in this tax scheme. The indictment is replete with examples: he did not report his Burisma income in 2014; he was informed by accountants that he owed taxes; his ex-wife told him that his tax returns were not filed; and there are multiple times where he is discussing his outstanding tax obligations in various communications.

Despite all this, Hunter's spent like a man who thought he operated under a different set of rules.

Ironically, Hunter's own words from his memoir, for which he was paid a handsome sum, are coming back to haunt him. As his tax-avoidance scheme went on, he surrounded himself with, and paid for the company of:

The indictment also details the "office expenses" or other deductions he used to lessen his tax burden, which included a $1,500 Venmo payment to an exotic dancer; $11,500 paid to an escort for two nights; and a $30,000 payment for his daughter's law school tuition; $1,248 to fly an exotic dancer from Los Angeles to New York.

As you can read below, the indictment has many other juicy details regarding Hunter's "deductions".

This is the second indictment against him this year - the first of which related to alleged gun possession and false statements.

He has pleaded not guilty in the gun charges case.

As a reminder, the previous indictment culminated in a plea deal, which ultimately fell apart amid whistleblower allegations that Biden-appointed officials had worked to stifle the case.

Don Jr offered his perspective on the matter...

Mark my words this was planned and they're going to use this as the excuse to not testify before Congress… he'll end up with nothing or slap on the wrist but it'll make sure he evades the thousands of things @GOPoversight is looking at. Bookmark it!

-- Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 8, 2023

The case was assigned to Judge Mark Scarsi, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump.

Well, all those 87,000 new IRS agents was money well-spent right?

Instead of going after the 'billionaires', they are clearly just trying to keep the poor-but-talented painters of America down.

Thanks Joe!

We're making corporations and the super-wealthy start to pay their fair share in taxes. It's about rewarding work, not wealth.

-- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 27, 2023

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Read the full docket below:


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