Trading WW3 – Can you hedge the Apocalypse?

Global Intel Hub is 100% anti-war, there is no question that war is bad.  Instead of wasting all that money on munitions, how about food, computers, clothing, or high tech farming systems?  How about planting trees?  But the Warmonger Party, currently led by US Democrats and Jesuit Joe Biden (who swore a blood oath years […]

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Ukraine Announces Joint US Military Exercises As Obama Rules Out “Military Incursion” – Recap Of The Day’s Events

With the story of the day undoubtedly Yellen’s first (bungled) press conference, it was easy to forget that the second coming of the Cold War is raging in the Ukraine. For those curious what they may have missed, here is a summary of the major events that took place in the troubled country this afternoon. […]

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Putin is shaping events in Ukraine. It’s time the west caught up

One of the alarming features of the crisis on Ukraine‘s Crimean peninsula is the staggering confidence with which Vladimir Putin is pursuing his agenda there and in eastern Ukraine. In quick order, Russian troops from the Black Sea fleet – as it has now been acknowledged by the pro-Russian prime minister of Crimea – have seized airports and […]

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Ukraine’s new leaders begin search for missing billions

GIH: Is the Ukrainian revolution a Slavic version of the occupy movement?  Now that a new government has been installed, documents are surfacing showing that the former president (claiming to be the current president but in another country..Russia) squandered away billions, hiding in various offshore banks and building a lavish lifestyle for himself and his […]

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Ukraine: On the Edge of Empires

Editor’s Note: The following Geopolitical Weekly originally ran in November 2010 as part of our Geopolitical Journey series. We repost it as Ukraine’s position between Europe and Russia puts it in the spotlight. By George Friedman The name “Ukraine” literally translates as “on the edge.” It is a country on the edge of other countries, sometimes part […]

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