Fringe Science: Antidepressants Are Based on Pseudoscience, Potentially Contribute to Mass Shootings | ZeroHedge


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Fringe Science: Antidepressants Are Based on Pseudoscience, Potentially Contribute to Mass Shootings | ZeroHedge

Here we will cover a trio of interrelated stories:

·       Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants severely disrupt shrimp neurological function and cause them to essentially kill themselves

·       The "serotonin deficiency" theory behind depression is now clinically debunked, rendering the entire theoretical antidepressant mechanism of SSRIs mute -- although they continue to generate generous profits for pharmaceutical firms nonetheless

·       The majority of mass shooters in the United States are subsequently found to have been taking antidepressants, which often goes unremarked upon in the pharmaceutical industry-controlled media for obvious reasons

The shrimp suicide phenomenon

Via National Geographic:

The debunked serotonin deficiency theory of depression

Via Molecular Psychiatry:

Despite the total inefficacy of antidepressants given that the entire theory of their mechanism is flawed, none of the clinical proof has prevented their mass-prescription to American patients: "During 2015--2018, 13.2% of adults aged 18 and over used antidepressant medications in the past 30 days. Use was higher among women (17.7%) than men (8.4%)," per the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

The potential mass shooter-SSRI link

If you do the investigative digging required to find these details, obscured as they often are, you will find that, in almost every case, the mass shooter of the day was on some form of SSRI antidepressant -- one of the Columbine shooters, the 2013 theater shooter in Aurora, Colorado, etc.


The most recent shooter from Maine was institutionalized in a mental health facility over the summer. What drugs he was administered is unclear, but it's almost a sure thing he was given antipsychotics and/or antidepressants as standard treatment.

Via Newsweek:

2004 "black box" FDA warning required "a boxed warning on antidepressants regarding the risk of suicidality in young adults."

Via the Prozac insert:



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