Climate Change for Private Jets? Mike Winston talks about Jet AI and Artificial Intelligence in the Private Aviation sector


Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/12/2024 – AI is the buzzword replacing “Crypto” as of a couple of years ago, but many investors are scratching their heads on what to make of AI, how much is buzz and how much is substance.  Founder of Jet AI Mike Winston explained what they are doing with AI which is clearly valuable.  Private Jets very often travel empty back to the location (if you fly from Miami to New York, the plane comes back to Miami it doesn’t wait for you in New York).  The system goes beyond their own fleet matching flyers with empty seats, which optimizes resources, saves money, and also, saves the planet (by reducing the number of empty flights which would have otherwise been another flight..).

Optimization algorithms are nothing new, but Jet AI’s approach toward an industry which has traditionally not seen a lot of R&D is not only refreshing, it’s creating a new paradigm.  As noted on sites like Zero Hedge, Elite’s have been getting flack for using their carbon spewing jets to meet at conferences and discuss carbon reductions:

While world leaders spoke at a ‘global warming’ conference in Dubai, located in the heart of the Arabian Desert, discussing the usual: banning gas stoves, cow farts, and petrol-powered vehicles, a powerful snowstorm grounded all flights at Munich Airport in Germany. 

“Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier,” said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former NOAA chief scientist. 

Jet AI’s core business is making the process of flying private cheaper and easier to access.  But realizing the trend in conservation and Environmentalism, they are also giving back to Mother Earth.  Just recently the company announced a partnership which will integrate DynoFlight, which is a Carbon removal program:

Jet.AI Inc. (“Jet.AI” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: JTAI), an innovative private aviation and artificial intelligence (“AI”) company, today announced a collaboration with FL3XX, a leading web and app-based aviation management platform, to introduce the DynoFlight carbon offset platform to hundreds of FL3XX customers.

Scheduled to launch in the first quarter of 2024, the integration is expected to empower private aircraft operators utilizing the FL3XX platform to gain effortless access to DynoFlight.  Mike Winston, Executive Chairman and Founder of Jet.AI stated: “With DynoFlight, operators on the FL3XX platform can now transparently and easily remove from the atmosphere every ounce of carbon emitted by a given flight.”  Paolo Sommariva, CEO & Co-Founder FL3XX added: “We are very excited to welcome DynoFlight to our platform. Integrating DynoFlight aligns with our mission to offer cutting-edge solutions to our extensive global customer base. This move is a significant step towards simplifying and improving the process of carbon offsetting, thereby contributing to more sustainable aviation practices.”

With the Elite’s rallying around optimizing carbon footprint of private aviation, Jet AI is a leader.  But there’s more to it than helping the planet, many people don’t know that Tesla originally was making more money in the carbon markets than selling cars.  The people are waking up to the hypocrisy of “Climate Change” while at the same time, the Elite are realizing the PR campaign is over, and they need to take real steps to optimize their output, as their tailpipes are the biggest offenders.   Take a look at these facts from ZH:

It turns out that the world’s richest 1 percent emit about the same amount of carbon as the world’s poorest two-thirds, according to an analysis from the nonprofit Oxfam International.  This means that a small sliver of global elites, or 77 million people, have produced as much carbon as the 5 billion people that make up the bottom 66 percent by wealth, per the study.  The study also estimates that it would take roughly 1,500 years for someone in the bottom 99 percent to produce as much carbon as the wealthiest billionaires do in just one year.  The study was based on research compiled by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and examined the emissions of various income groups up to 2019. In summary, it suggested that the private jet-setting class of global leaders and policymakers, who take private planes to lead summits addressing the assumed dangers of climate change, may warrant charges of hypocrisy.  The analysis was published as global leaders prepare to meet for climate talks at the COP28 summit in Dubai later in November, where, much like other climate conferences, some elite participants will likely pontificate on the need for ordinary folk to end their reliance on cheap fossil fuel energy to make their ends meet.

Jet AI is traded on the NASDAQ as JTAI and their website is

Watch the interview here, Episode 2 for Intelligence Storm, VLOG:

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