Why all the fuss about Electric Vehicles

Global Intel Hub — Charlotte, NC — 1/3/2023 — Are electric vehicles (EVs) really the wave of the future? Some say that EVs are overhyped and that they’ll never live up to the hype. Others believe that EVs are the way of the future and that we need to start making the switch now. So, […]

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$CENN Cenntro Automotive EV disruption with Hydrogen powered Class 8 Semi Tractor

Global Intel Hub — Charlotte, NC — 12/26/2022 — They’ve finally done it – Cenntro Auto $CENN has launched a Hydrogen powered Class 8 Tractor, and it will be displayed at the infamous Consumer Electronics Show on Jan 6th in Las Vegas.  We released leaked intel they were going to do this and then they […]

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Leaked: Cenntro Auto CENN disrupting the EV market with Hydrogen 8 Truck

Global Intel Hub has obtained a sneak peek at an upcoming product launch that can change the EV market forever.  This EV Class 8 truck is where all others have failed, if Cenntro can succeed here it will be a huge win for the company and a bump for the stock price. The Electric Vehicle […]

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