
450 On The S&P, Sub-1% 10 Year, And $10,000 Gold – Albert Edwards

It has been a while since Albert Edwards updated the world on his macro and market thoughts. He finally does so today with a tour de force on the crash in the emerging markets, which for him exposes the “idiocy of one of the key investment themes since the 2008 Great Recession – namely that […]

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PROTON, CLEARWATER and LEXIS-NEXIS Given the use of constitutionally repulsive practices by the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies, this information is being made public to educate and inform so they might arm themselves against government intrusion and for attorneys as a backgrounder for future appeals. I suggest American guerillas […]

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Syria: A Comprehensive Look at the Options for Intervention (Stratfor)

Summary The United States and its allies have a few options if they proceed with an intervention in Syria, a prospect that seems increasingly likely. A limited punitive strike on critical targets meant to discourage future use of chemical weapons would be the simplest operation. Another option would be to target the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons delivery […]

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Syria War 2013

Syria crisis: warplanes spotted in Cyprus as tensions rise in Damascus | World news | The Guardian Syrian Official: Obama Administration’s Claims Assad Regime Carried Out Chemical Attack ‘Completely Wrong’ « CBS DC BBC News – Syria crisis: Russia and China step up warning over strike OBAMA’S WAR… BUCHANAN: Congress should veto… Strike within days… […]

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Google and the NSA: Who’s holding the ‘shit-bag’ now?

by Julian Assange August 24th, 2013 It has been revealed today, thanks to Edward Snowden, that Google and other US tech companies received millions of dollars from the NSA for their compliance with the PRISM mass surveillance system. So just how close is Google to the US securitocracy? Back in 2011 I had a meeting with Eric Schmidt, […]

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Ownership meme creates personal liability

An underlying meme proliferated throughout the American economic system is ownership.  The so called “American Dream” is to own; own a home, own a car, own as much as you can; and keep it all in your name.  Many American teenagers and 20 somethings of many social classes experience a brief period of freedom in […]

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Hungary cuts off IMF eyes EU exit

By Ronald L. Ray Hungary is making history of the first order. Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny. Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to […]

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IETF discusses new security measures at Berlin meeting

“Not having encryption on the web today is a matter of life and death,” is how one member of the Internet Engineering Task Force – IETF (the so-called architects of the web) described the current situation. As the FT reports [5], the IETF have started to fight back against US and UK snooping programs by drawing up an […]

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The truth about Libya and Gaddafi

(Thomas Dishaw) As United States imperialism continues to concur the globe and foreign leaders continue to get murdered by Government hit squads, it should surprise no one that the destruction of Libya was another globalists operation meant to destroy any piece of economic independence left in Northern Africa. Don’t get me wrong, Muammar Gaddafi was a […]

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