
Laurence Kotlikoff: “The US Fiscal Gap Is $200 Trillion… Our Country Is broke”

While it is easy and often enjoyable to distract oneself with daily drudgery such as who will bomb whom (if not so enjoyable for those on the receiving end of said bombs), the key word in the sentence is just one: “distract” and as Kyle Bass pointed out correctly, the best, and most “economy-boosting” of all distractions […]

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Meanwhile, This Is What Putin Is Doing…

For the last few days we have been bombarded with words that appear ‘peaceful’ and problem-solving from Russia with love. Of course, ‘no change’ benefits mother Russia the most as his government’s gas revenues (and political power) will continue to flow from Europe (a quarter of Russian government income comes from being Europe’s gas supplier). […]

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Poland Confiscates Private Pensions – Yours Are Next

Sep 11, 2013 – 01:26 PM GMT By: Jeff_Berwick We have been saying for the last four years that as Europe, the US and other Western and global nation-states continue their debt-fueled collapse the governments of these countries will continue to consider their citizens’ wealth to be their own and seize more of their assets. We […]

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The new model of synthesis

The security scandal, financial crisis, and other world events are changing the way users engage the internet and changing the way we do business.  Global Intel Hub proposes a new model based on synthesis which incorporate your internet activity (workflow), security, privacy, and filter out spam and other unwanted distractions and risks. Structured Consulting will […]

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NSA’s Greatest Weapon In Surveillance? Outright Ignorance In Tech Consumers

Submitted by Reggie Middleton on 09/09/2013 13:35 -0400 Should MSFT split up After reading an interesting article in the New Scientist, How NSA weakens encryption to access internet traffic, I was brought to mind a piece that I wrote to address the single most powerful tool in the NSA’s arsenal – the blatant ignorance of the common tech enduser. I […]

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NSA’s (and GCHQ) Decryption Capabilities: Truth and Lies

Edward Snowden has revealed new information concerning the cryptographic capabilities of the NSA and GCHQ (TheGuardian, ProRepublica, leaking documents…). The CryptoGirl was bound to look into that topic 😉 Let’s go straight to the point and answer simple questions. Is cryptography unsecure? No, I don’t think so. Basically, cryptography is maths (prime numbers, finite fields, polynomials…), and […]

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NSA Revelations Cast Doubt on the Entire Tech Industry

Six years ago, two Microsoft cryptography researchers discovered some weirdness in an obscure cryptography standard authored by the National Security Agency. There was a bug in a government-standard random number generator that could be used to encrypt data. The researchers, Dan Shumow and Niels Ferguson, found that the number generator appeared to have been built with […]

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