
US power waning amidst constant crisis

The US has experienced a systemic crisis recently including most aspects of the US system; political, financial, and social.  Being that the USD is the world reserve currency, and the US is basically the only real superpower, this has implications for the entire world.  Most notably, the US experienced severe systemic crisis: Spy Scandal, revelations […]

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EU votes to suspend Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)

European politicians have voted for a suspension of an ongoing Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP), in light of recent revelations that the NSA has been spying on EU politicians, businesses, and individual citizens. The EU should suspend its Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) agreement with the US in response to the US National Security Agency’s […]

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World rapidly changing

The world is changing rapidly. BRIC countries are building their own private internet China is now the world’s largest oil consumer Chase bank starts the first round of US capital controls (but it’s called ‘de-risking’ Meanwhile, Yuan trade expanding rapidly US Citizens giving up citizenship at record pace US Citizens cannot open Foreign Forex account […]

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US officials help NSA spy on 35 world leaders

More leaked documents show that the NSA spied on over 35 world leaders with the help of US officials. • Agency given more than 200 numbers by government official • NSA encourages departments to share their ‘Rolodexes’ • Surveillance produced ‘little intelligence’, memo acknowledges The National Security Agency monitored the phone conversations of 35 world […]

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Saudi Arabia begins end of Petro Dollar – shift away from US to China

One of the components keeping the US Dollar as a global reserve currency was the agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia to price oil in US Dollars.  As the regions largest producer, this caused other oil producers to follow suit, and forced customers to use USD if they wanted oil.  Of course this […]

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US Citizens face complex problems overseas due to FATCA

While FATCA was signed into law in 2010, many of the rules didn’t come into effect until 2013.  Now many US Citizens living abroad are feeling the effects of FATCA.  Also a ‘blowback’ effect has occurred, many foreign institutions not willing to deal with the complexities of the new rules have simply chosen to ban […]

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NSA spied on French Diplomats

French news organization Le Monde obtained internal memos from the US National Security Agency (NSA) detailing a program known as “Genie” costing the US Taxpayer $652 Million US Dollars. A document dated August 2010 suggests intelligence stolen from foreign embassy computers ensured the US knew ahead of time the positions of other Security Council members, […]

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