
Police State Repression in Catalonia

Police State Repression in Catalonia by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain’s northeast, bordering France and the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona its capital and largest city. In November 2015, Catalan lawmakers approved a secession plan from Spain by 2017. October 1 is the moment of truth, Catalans […]

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Trump Alone Threatened War in His UN Address

Trump Alone Threatened War in His UN Address by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The UN is a venue for promoting world peace and stability. Trump used his General Assembly address for hostile chest-thumping, threatening North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad – a disgraceful jingoistic display. The only language he […]

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America’s Military Footprint Lands in Israel

America’s Military Footprint Lands in Israel by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) America’s military footprint extends worldwide, a global empire of bases, countless numbers, well over a thousand, many not publicly revealed. The late Chalmers Johnson earlier said “(o)nce upon a time, you could trace the spread of imperialism by counting up […]

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More Russian US Election Interference Malarkey

More Russian US Election Interference Malarkey by Stephen Lendman – Home – Stephen Lendman) This long ago discredited dead horse won’t die. It keeps resurfacing in new forms – the latest from the Russophobic right-wing Daily Beast (DB). It claims “Russians appear(ed) to “use Facebook to push pro-Trump rallies (in 17 US cities) during” […]

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Israeli Collaborator Abbas’ UN Address

Israeli Collaborator Abbas’ UN Address by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) He’s Palestine’s illegitimate president, selected by Israel, serving at its discretion, disposable if daring to represent his people responsibly – never throughout his deplorable tenure, why most Palestinians despise him. He highlighted the 1993 Oslo Accords, a Palestinian Versailles. He was […]

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The NYT Supports Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro

The NYT Supports Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Times and other media scoundrels have been hostile to Venezuela since Hugo Chavez’s December 1998 landslide presidential victory. They oppose social democracy, support wealth, power and privilege exclusively, disgracefully calling Chavez and Maduro tyrants.  The leading hemispheric ones […]

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Trump Authorizes More Sanctions on North Korea

Trump Authorizes More Sanctions on North Korea by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Whoever said insanity is repeating the same thing, expecting a different result likely had US policymakers in mind, notably Trump. Madness defines his rogue agenda.  Multiple rounds of harsh sanctions on North Korea were counterproductive, encouraging its government to […]

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America Can Never Be Trusted!

America Can Never Be Trusted! by Stephen Lendman Time and again throughout its history, America breached treaties and other agreements – proving it doesn’t negotiate in good faith. Just the opposite! According to Russian official Zamir Kabulov, US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Alice Wells expressed “willingness to cooperate with us on Afghanistan, while […]

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Trump to Rescind the Iran Nuclear Deal?

Trump to Rescind Iran Nuclear Deal? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Wednesday, NBC News reported he’s “leaning toward decertifying the Iran nuclear deal and putting the decision of whether the United States withdraw from the accord in the hands of Congress, according to four sources – including a senior administration […]

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Nobel Laueate Suu Kyi Ignores Genocidal Slaughter of the Royingyas

Nobel Laureate Suu Kyi Ignores Genocidal Slaughter of the Rohingyas by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) She’s no heroic figure, a deplorable national disgrace, still a Western darling, and why not. She endorses the Myanmar regime’s horrific agenda, replicating the US-led Western one on a smaller scale – a bloodthirsty pursuit for […]

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