
The NYT Gives Rogue Saudi UN Envoy Feature Op-Ed Space


The NYT Gives Rogue Saudi UN Envoy Feature Op-Ed Space

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The Times deplorably gave Abdallah Al-Mouallimi a platform to lie and deceive readers, the self-styled newspaper of record complicit in his deceit.

Saudi Arabia is a fascist/religious fundamentalist dictatorship, the Arab world’s leading human rights abuser, its viciousness exceeded only by how Israel brutalizes Palestinians.

It’s allied with Washington’s war OF terror, notably in Syria and Yemen. Mouallimi headlined his propaganda piece “(i)t’s up to the (Houthi) rebels to stop Yemen’s war,” ignoring its alliance with America in waging it.

In March 2015, they launched naked aggression on the country, Mouallimi saying it was to restore the Hadi regime to power, a US-installed puppet reviled by most Yemenis.

For the past two-and-a-half years, they’ve been devastated by Saudi terror-bombing, a blockade on its borders, Riyadh warplanes, now aided by US ones, targeting residential areas, hospitals, schools, refugee camps, food storage areas, mosques, marketplaces, and other nonmilitary sites – high crimes against peace, massacring civilians in cold blood, atrocities committed with impunity.

Blockade prevents enough humanitarian aid from reaching millions of Yemenis in dire need. Endless war, untreated diseases, malnutrition, starvation and overall deprivation put millions of lives at risk.

Since April, a massive cholera epidemic gripped the country, hundreds of thousands of Yemenis affected, numbers expected to approach one million this year.

Conflict resolution talks when initiated failed each time because Washington and Riyadh want war, not peace.

Mouallimi blamed Houthi fighters for high crimes committed by his regime allied with Washington - committing slow-motion genocide against long-suffering Yemenis.

He turned truth on its head, saying “coalition forces have exercised maximum vigilance in their conduct of the air campaign,” blaming victimized Houthis for his regime’s high crimes.

“The road to peace in Yemen is clear,” he said. True enough. It requires Riyadh and Washington to end their naked aggression against millions of Yemenis devastated from what’s ongoing.

Instead, they continue committing daily high crimes of war and against humanity, massacring civilians in cold blood.

Their suffering continues, the world community failing to intervene responsibly to stop it.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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