Q3 GDP Rises 2.3% In Final Estimate, More Than Expected, Due To Upward Revision In Personal Spending

By Tyler Durden,   While it’s a remnant of a distant pass and will have zero impact on today’s markets which are much more focused on slowing economic growth in 2022, moments ago the BEA reported the second estimate of Q3 GDP and it printed at 2.3% (2.290% to be precise), higher than both the […]

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Markets Are Pricing Rising Volatility For 2022; Goldman Warns Of Increasingly Macro-Led Moves

By Tyler Durden, Tomorrow is VIX expiration, and, as SpotGamma notes, we head into that expiration with an elevated VIX structure. If you compare today’s VIX term structure to that of mid-November you can see current levels (black) remain well above Nov(blue). Nov is “pre Omnicron” and “pre Taper” so it makes sense that current prices […]

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Ringing The Bell On Record Stock Inflows: Long Onlies See Biggest Outflow Since March 2020 Crash

By Tyler Durden, When it comes to equity market fund flows, the one defining feature of 2021 was the unprecedented reversal of years of outflows (or at best stagnant inflows), culminating in a record flood of new money entering equity funds as retail investors awoke from their decade-long hibernation (with the help of trillions in stimmies). But […]

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Stocks, Bond Yields Tumble After Manchin “No” On Build Back Better, Goldman Slashes GDP

By Tyler Durden, A decisive “no” from Senator Joe Manchin on President Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) social engineering spendfest has sparked anger from The White House and economic outlook cuts from Wall Street. While BBB enactment had already looked like a close call, in light of Manchin’s comments Goldman has removed the assumption that BBB […]

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Morgan Stanley: Here Comes The China Upswing

By Tyler Durden, From Chetan Ahya, chief Asia economist at Morgan Stanley The China Upswing Over the years, China has experienced a number of mini-cycles. This year brought another iteration – the economy started the year on a strong footing but has entered a policy-induced downturn. The policy cycle has shifted from overtightening to easing, […]

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Dollar Illiquidity – The Ironic Yet Ignored Spark For The Next Crisis

By Tyler Durden, Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via GoldSwitzerland.com, In October of 2019, I began writing/warning of the ignored yet ominous signals coming out of the repo and Eurodollar markets and what the illiquidity (i.e., lack of availability) of U.S. Dollars portended for our markets in the coming years. Well, those years have since arrived. […]

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Africa’s Biggest Economies

By Tyler Durden, With a total GDP of $432.3 billion, Nigeria has become the biggest economy on the African continent over the last 30 years. While the five highest spots on this ranking have been more or less constant over the last three decades, Statista’s Florian Zandt notes that the rest of the top 8 are subject to bigger fluctuations […]

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Dollar Appreciation Threatens The Global Economy

By Tyler Durden, Authored by Michael Lebowitz via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, The Fed’s liquidity fire hose supported the massive government fiscal response to Covid. Through unprecedented asset purchases, the Fed provided enough liquidity to allow the U.S. Treasury to increase its debt burden grossly at historically low yields. Its actions bolstered asset markets and weighed on the […]

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China’s Banking Assets Are $52 Trillion, Growing By $40 Trillion Since 2008: “This Is What Hyper MMT Looks Like”

By Tyler Durden, By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management Thermodynamics “The interaction of inflation-focused monetary policies in the west and China’s mercantilist model created what I call The Refrigeration Mode,” said the CIO, sitting atop his prodigious pile. “The process has been ongoing for twenty years,” he continued. “The inflation-focused policy framework is […]

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