
FATCA and the End of Banking Secrecy

Cezary Blaszczyk writes: Among the many recent revelations about American surveillance operations was the fact that, according to Der Spiegel, the U.S. intelligence apparatus “not only conducted online surveillance of European citizens, but also appears to have specifically targeted buildings housing European Union institutions,” Few, if any, of those commenting of late on such affairs […]

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End Of The Great Market Illusion

A series of data which normally would be considered anomalous is growing at such an accelerated rate, it’s no longer ‘black swan’ data; now the flock seems to be all black and it’s flying north for the winter. Take a look at the following chart showing Consolidated Foreign Transactions in Long Term US Assets: (click […]

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Why Isn’t There A Demonstrably Correct Economic Theory?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog [9], Although economics doesn’t recognize it, the operative phrase here is systemic injustice. Correspondent C.G.D. recently asked what I consider a very profound question: why isn’t there demonstrably correct economic theory? “My wife has asked me a ‘simple’ question that I can not answer. After 2000 years, why do we […]

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A Stunning 60% Of All Home Purchases Are “Cash Only” – A 200% Jump In Five Years

Remember when housing was the primary aspirational asset for a still existent US middle class, to be purchased with some equity down by your average 30 year-old hoping to start a family in his or her brand new home, and, as the name implies, aspire to reach the American dream? Those days are long gone. […]

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This Is The Biggest Cluster Of Hindenburg Omens Since The Last Stock Market Crash

Are we heading for a major stock market decline?  Warnings about a crash of the financial markets are quite common these days, and usually they don’t materialize.  But this time may be different.  A number of top analysts are pointing out the fact that the biggest cluster of “Hindenburg Omens” has appeared since the last […]

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