
Trump’s Hollow Outreach to North Korea


Trump’s Hollow Outreach to North Korea

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Washington’s geopolitical agenda is hard-wired under Republicans and undemocratic Dems.

It seeks elimination of all sovereign independent states, wanting them replaced with pro-Western puppet rule.

North Korea is an interesting case. Since the Korean peninsula was divided along the 38th parallel post-WW II, Washington has been hostile toward the country.

In the modern era, it’s a convenient punching bag - China’s regional preeminence, its economic strength, political importance and military power America’s main target, wanting unchallenged control over the Asia/Pacific.

Japan and South Korea are virtual US colonies. The late Chalmers Johnson explained, saying “(o)nce upon a time, you could trace the spread of imperialism by counting up colonies.”

“America’s version of the colony is the military base; and by following the changing politics of global basing, one can learn much about our ever more all-encompassing imperial footprint and the militarism that grows with it, (far) more than in past empires.”

“A well-entrenched militarism (lies) at the heart of our imperial adventures. Each year, (Washington) spends more on our armed forces than all others nations on earth combined (to garrison troops” in more than two-thirds of countries worldwide.

Bases are platforms for control, intimidation and warmaking. They’re intrusive, hostile, and detrimental to local populations and world peace.

Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs) are arranged with occupied countries, permitting America to do what it pleases, ignoring laws of host nations, along with no concern for the rights and welfare of their people.

Trump laughably said he’s willing to talk to Kim Jong-un - under conditions unacceptable to North Korea and most other nations - namely, we’re boss and what we say goes. That’s the deal, no compromise.

With Pyongyang/Seoul talks upcoming on January 9, Trump was asked if he’d speak to Kim by phone.

“Sure, I always believe in talking,” he said, adding:

Kim “knows I’m not messing around. Not even a little bit, not even one-percent. He understands that.” 

“At the same time, if we can come up with a very peaceful and good solution. If something can happen and something can come out of these talks, that would be a great thing for all of humanity.”


His unacceptable terms include Pyongyang rendering itself defenseless by abandoning its nuclear and ballistic missile deterrent against feared US aggression.

Any bilateral rapprochement would require the DPRK to unconditionally surrender its sovereignty to US control.

Conditions Washington demands are unacceptable, wanting control over planet earth, its nations, resources and populations. Its favored strategy is achieving it by endless wars of aggression.

No responsible leadership would surrender the sovereignty of its nation to control by another power.

North and South Korean officials will hold talks on Tuesday, meeting in Panmunjom along the DMZ.

According to Pyongyang’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), talks are “not only about the normalization of the inter-Korean relations, but about the reconciliation of the nation and its free-will unification.”

China welcomes the meeting, its Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang saying:

“We hope that all relevant parties on the Korean peninsula issue will seize upon the opportunity of the Winter Olympics to meet each other halfway, return to the correct path of peacefully solving problems through dialogue and consultation.”

The DPRK’s Olympic Committee representative said his country will likely participate in the Winter Games.

A Pyongyang/Seoul hotline was reopened, a positive sign. In his New Year’s address, Kim struck a conciliatory tone regarding North/South relations, saying conditions must be established for normalizing bilateral relations - a notion Washington opposes.

According to KCNA, “(t)he head of the nation clearly stated that our country needs to stick to the policy, which will lead to the breakthrough of the all-sufficient unification,” adding:

“It is not worth stirring up the past and recalling the specifics of relations with Seoul. Instead of this, relations between the North and South must be improved.”

Achieving this goal would be a significant step toward avoiding conflict on the peninsula.

America’s aim for regional dominance would suffer a body blow.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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