
TRUMP exposes the Establishment, politics a metaphor for FX

There’s still a large percentage of the American population that doesn’t understand money.  That’s why we released our book,Splitting Pennies – to explain how the financial system works.  FX continues to remain a mystery to voters, although it may be the most important issue that can make or break the US economy in the next 10 years.  The election is a political metaphor to the lie being sold in ecomomics; the Establishment has convinced us that, price inflation is from retailers – it’s small business that causes inflation.  Not monetary supply.  Another $20 Trillion USD, it doesn’t create inflation.  Take a look at this chart and close your eyes and imagine, where this mass of Trillions of USD flows:
$20 or some odd Trillion (who needs to count, at such levels) inflates markets, inflates prices of consumer goods, it pushes the value of the US Dollar down.  All of these effects are plainly obvious, you don’t need a degree in high finance to understand this.  But, through a complicated system of ‘programming’ – they have somehow blinded people into believing what they see on TV, and questioning things which are not on TV, as some sort of ‘internet conspiracy.’
If you believe everything you see on TV, you might want to checkout this book: A People’s History of the United States; in fact – this is a MUST READ for any investor, as it explains history from ‘another’ side, the side of the people.  Is TRUMP a ‘people’s’ movement?  One thing is certain, TRUMP has blown a hole in the illusion world many have been living in these past few years.  He’s exposed the corruption, and how the system has failed.  The system really did work, it’s not a cliche, but these were different times.  You see, History is written by the winners, by the rich, by the haves – not the have nots.  Who is Gore Vidal?  If Bush hadn’t stolen the 2000 Presidential Election from his cousin, Al Gore, everyone would remember this name.  There are, like Gore Vidal, many Americans who are part of the Elite but are not so stupid, so corrupt, so greedy, so evil – like the rest of the crowd.  In fact, there are many.  But no one knows them – because they aren’t part of the social control mechanism.  They don’t sell well.  Who is Howard Zinn?  Who cares – turn on the TV.
One victim of this programming system are the executives running Sketchers corporation (SKX) whose stock dropped 17%, due to a number of factors, but – well they admiteed “I know nothing about Currencies” on the conference call.  Losing millions for no reason, at least it’s not helpful for investors’ confidence.
Additionally, the negative currency translation impact on our international wholesale and retail sales for the quarter was $15.9 million. We believe that our international business represents the greatest growth opportunity with many countries continuing to show strong sales increases in the quarter, including China at over 50%.
“Currency Headwinds” are nothing new, but it seems corporate America still hasn’t warmed up to the fact that there is something called FX, and it’s possible to protect yourself from such changes, and it’s called hedging.  Heck, they can learn the basics from our booktake this course, or open an account for only $1 at Oanda and get world-class analysis for free.  But it’s easier to write it off as “Currency Headwinds” a popular topic at cocktail parties, and the leading excuse for losses.  Remember “Inflationary Pressures” was an accounting-speak psuedo excuse for losses?  The department of financial language modification is capitalizing on people’s lack of knowledge of FX, and thus created “Currency Headwinds” as the new go-to phrase when your international business has a big red hole and you need to save face.  By using this excuse, it will guarantee them a post-employment job at the Fed, because they were quoted in a major news source saying the keyword “Currency”.  This is an especially necessary mark on their Resume in case they worked their way to the top, and didn’t go to Yale or Harvard B-school.
Even though TRUMP isn’t talking about FX, maybe it’s really a big metaphor.  This election has shown us so far how ridiculous and unprofessional the Establishment is.  Never before have they been so sloppy, so bombastic, so irrational and vulgar, with their manipulation tactics – and shown it all in detail on social media!  The fact that, after all this – people still vote for Democrats, shows either their utter stupidity, or their blind faith, and agreement that evil is good, corruption is good, war is good.  Maybe they really are reptiles running our planet, if such people exist (if they really are ‘people’).  
In either event, TRUMP already has won the information war.  Never before has a non-establishmentarian been in the spotlight with a full audience, outlining all the corruption and manipulation and anti-American activities of the Elite.  Any businessman in America knows it, either they are profiting from it, or they are angry about it.  But not all people know – just like people don’t know about FX.  We should thank TRUMP for starting this conversation, they can kill insiders – but they can’t kill us all.  
In terms of actual political measures that Trump would propose and/or enact, he listed the following six:
  1. “A Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.”
  2. “A hiring freeze on all federal employees.”
  3. “A requirement that for every new federal regulation, 2 existing regulations must be eliminated.”
  4. “A 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government.”
  5. “A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.”
  6. “A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.”
Bravo!  But these measures, they are a direct attack on the current pay for play ‘business’ that’s been created in Washington.  It’s really a great and noble idea.  Making a business out of power – brokering is not a business at all.  Politicians are supposed to be civil servants, not power monsters, grifters, or agents of foreign powers (i.e. Israel, Rothschilds, etc.)  But are these measures practical?  The octopus has tentacles everywhere, and they will stop at nothing to maintain their power and the status quo, even if it means suspending elections, martial law, starting a war, alien invasion, name it.  Don’t be surprised to see anything in next 2 weeks.  In the meantime, get prepared!
Don’t forget that, politicians depend from one important entity – The Fed – for money.  They need your votes, but more importantly, they need money.  When Obama needs money, he doesn’t beg from donors, he picks up the phone “Hello Fed?  Yes, I need $100 Billion.  For what you ask?  I’m starting a War, I mean, (cough cough) I’m worn out.. Just need to pay bills of American people.  10 minutes?  Thanks, you’re the best.”  
Here’s a good free Forex lesson:  Guess which is the “REAL” Monopoly money, in the true sense of the definition: