Trump Declaring Political and Economic War on Palestinians?
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
DEBKAfile (DF) is connected to Israeli military intelligence. It provides geopolitical reports, focusing largely on the Middle East – at times providing useful news, information and analysis, at other times propaganda Israel wants published.
Most of its claims come from unnamed sources. Its worldview is notably hawkish, matching bipartisan US neocons.
Law Professor Michael Dorf calls DF his “favorite alarmist Israeli website trading in (unsubstantiated) rumors.”
That said, days earlier it claimed the Trump administration intends cutting ties to Palestinians over its vocal opposition to its Jerusalem declaration, saying:
“The White House has decided to quietly withdraw from all its ties with the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas.”
Abbas met with Saudi and UAE leaders last week, summoned to appear per their demands, told to stop criticizing Trump. Palestinian media reported the same thing, explaining America is “the only game in town” with regard to the peace process and “real influence on Israel.”
It’s unclear if the dog wags the tail or the other way around, the way it appears so often, Congress and the White House affected the same way.
Abbas was warned – either go along with US, Israeli, Saudi, UAE demands or be replaced by someone else who will. Does an Arafat fate await him if he won’t play ball?
Vocal PA anger over Trump’s move continues. Abbas reportedly told Saudi and UAE leaders if Washington accepts a two-state solution based on June 1967 borders, including East Jerusalem as Palestine’s capital, he’s ready to accept Trump as a peace broker. Otherwise, he won’t.
According to DF, the Trump administration intends the following if he fails to bend to its will:
Its peace plan will be submitted to Israel, not the PA – a bantustan scheme no responsible Palestinian leadership would accept.
High-and-lower-level White House/PA interactions are suspended.
The status of the PLO office in Washington is under review, shutting it down likely.
PA officials will no longer be invited to Washington, above all not to the White House.
US economic aid will likely be suspended, including contributions to the UN Work and Relief Agency (UNWRA).
The White House urged Arab states to suspend aid to the PA.
America under GOP or undemocratic Dem leadership is no honest broker on peace or anything else.
Since Balfour, Palestinians were betrayed. Recognition of their fundamental rights by Washington, the West and Israel is unattainable, subjugation their only option.
Palestinians should jettison their old ties. Russia and China might be reliable new ones – at least for economic aid. Brokering peace is unattainable as long as Washington and Israel reject it.
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