The following are some basic tips for surviving this coming crisis.
- Disable your TV service. If it’s free, unplug the cord. Most TVs can today be connected to any laptop or computer, DVD player, or other device where you can watch shows on Netflix, or free sites such as Top Documentary Films.
- Stop eating processed foods. Chemicals in GMO foods, snack foods, and processed meats can be extremely deleterious to your health. Also there have been no studies on the combined effects of multiple attacks on your body (i.e. ingesting HFCS while talking on cellphone breathing air with aluminum causes … ?)
- Get healthy. Health is wealth. Healthy people don’t need to rely on a corrupt medical system that has an inherent conflict of interest as the most profit comes from terminally ill patients. Everyone pretty much knows themselves what it means for them to be healthy. It’s like George Carlin says about the fallacy of self-help books, if you are motivated to buy the book then you don’t need motivation!
- Get your finances in order. This can mean so many things depending on your circumstances. Generally speaking, spend less money, buy more guns and less butter, and regarding debt, if debt is alcohol, drink responsibly or drink constantly.
- Leave the cities! If possible, dust off the old lake house and get ready to live there (or move there). Of course if you are working or for many other reasons this may not be possible. So in this case just have an evacuation plan like New Yorker’s have ‘bug out bags‘. Include your passport, ID, social security card and other important info, a few ounces of Gold or Silver, first aid kit, Iridium Satellite Phone, Camera, multi-tool, few thousand in cash, you get the idea. Be ready to go in a pinch!
- Get informed! Most importantly, get informed. There’s a lot going on in the world the main stream media is for whatever reason not reporting. In reference to point 1, by turning off your TV and getting info from the internet, the chances of finding real information are infinitely higher. There are hundreds of websites, forums, communities that host relevant, real info that can greatly impact your life. A few popular examples include Natural News (health related), What Really Happened (Alternative news, current events) , Washington’s Blog (politics & finance), Zero Hedge (financial), and of course Zero Point Portal!
Global Intel Hub provides information for surviving the crisis for only $10/month. Life doesn’t have to change that much, but if you don’t take steps to prepare yourself mentally and get things in order, the crisis may change you for you. Take the lead charge and get ready, prepare your financial assets, make a family plan for survival, and take steps to improve your health and well being.