
Corrupt CEO LTRY continues to swindle investors

Global Intel Hub — 9/3/2024 — LTRY is a public company rife with fraud, its a culture that starts from upper management that is supported by a Board of Directors that supports the fraud. CEO Mathew McGahan has gone from one business failure to another, always leaving victims in his rear view mirror. McGahan has […]

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People Behind Crypto Protocol DeFi100 May Have Absconded With $32M in Investor Funds

From coindesk Cryptocurrency project DeFi100, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain, appears to have been a scam, with the people running it having taken investors’ money and running. A unnamed crypto analyst on Twitter with more than 197,000 followers put the haul at $32 million. It was unclear how that figure was […]

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COVID Fraud – Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity’

From DE A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a […]

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WINS short report – a SPAC called SMAC – another example of China Fraud, Inc. LLC – Second Sight Markets Analysis 6/27/2020 — WINS is a publicly traded company which is involved in a financial scandal so great, the CFO quit.  They have until July 2nd to appoint a new one, who must sign off on the financials.  If they fail to do so, the stock will likely be […]

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EBIX Rampant Fraud, Prospects Not Good, Fail To Deal With Bad Situation

Here’s the bottom line: Last year, EBIX was investigated for improper accounting practices. They failed to ‘come clean’ completely with what happened. The company is not on a solid foundation, and the stock has suffered. EBIX was once a fast growing company cited by Forbes, Fortune, and other financial publications.  Last year the company was […]

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LH LabCorp again involved in massive DNA and paternity fraud

(Global Intel Hub) — Burlington, NC – 6/7/2020 — LabCorp (LH) is a publicly traded company that provides lab testing and related services to hospitals, doctors offices, and other medical businesses.  They are no stranger to fraud, which we have outlined in previous articles such as this one involving an MLM scam. In what may […]

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The News

How the FBOP circumvents the law, President Trump, Congress, Attorney General Barr, and maintains the status quo

(Global Intel Hub – Butner, NC) Barry Taylor (inmate, from the inside) — On late 2018 Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the First Step Act. Inmates and their family finally felt some relief and compassion would be given by the FBOP. The intent of the First Step Act was to allow elderly […]

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XIV VIX rampant manipulation EXPOSED using offshore shell entities in Bahamas

Global Intel Hub 4/27/2019 New York, NY – It’s a common plot but with different actors and a foreign stage.  And it’s proof of the thesis of our book Splitting Pennies – the world is not as it seems.  For those who don’t know the VIX is an artificial derivative that tracks the ‘volatility’ of […]

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Exposed: Barclays account details for sale as ‘gold mine’ of up to 27,000 files is leaked in worst breach of bank data EVER

GIH: An unprecedented data breach shows the real City; where brokers will do nearly anything to make a buck, including gouging clients on commissions, and stealing customer data to sell to the competition (or worse, scam artists).  It’s becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between ‘legitimate’ financial institutions and ‘fraudulent’ ones, if such a […]

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EPA fraud casts doubt on institutional approach towards social management

Another government fraud doesn’t seem surprising, but we should look closer at this recent employee of the EPA; in fact their highest paid employee, who was thought to be an expert on climate change.  He was a liar, embezzler, and overall bad employee, according to his lawyer, he didn’t work for periods of 18 months. […]

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