
US in Syria to Stay


US in Syria To Stay

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Washington didn’t launch naked aggression on Syria to quit. It didn’t illegally occupy as much as 30% of its northern and southern territory to leave.

Assad rightfully called US and allied forces “invaders,” aiming to topple his government, wanting another imperial trophy.

Trump’s earlier remarks about leaving were refuted by generals and other administration officials in charge of geopolitical policymaking. He then pulled back on what he said.

US forces are staying, not leaving, stressed by CENTCOM commander General Joseph Votel, saying Washington intends “consolidating our gains…a military role in this” needed.

War secretary Mattis told Senate Armed Services Committee members “we are not withdrawing.” 

“We are continuing the fight. We are going to expand it and bring in more regional support. This is the biggest shift we’re making right now.”

The Trump administration wants forces from Arab countries to supplement US troops. It wants private military contractors like Blackwater hired-gun mercenaries involved.

The plan has nothing to do with stabilizing the country, as claimed - everything to do with endless war and chaos, similar to what’s going on in all other US war theaters.

An unnamed administration official said Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, Qatar and other regional nations were asked to contribute military and financial support.

In Senate testimony, Mattis claimed Washington isn’t taking sides in Syria - a bald-faced lie, war launched and continued endlessly for regime change, for isolating Iran, for targeting its sovereignty the same way, for maintaining US regional dominance (along with Israel) over Russia.

Mattis: “We…support a diplomatic solution as part of the UN-led peace process” - another bald-faced lie.

Among major powers, Russia alone continues going all-out for diplomatic conflict resolution, its good faith efforts undermined by Washington - under Obama and now Trump.

France, Britain, other NATO nations, Israel, and their rogue allies are partnered with Washington for regime change.

Mattis said US and allied forces in Syria intend escalated war, not stepping back from the brink - on the phony pretext of combating ISIS these countries support.

War in Syria rages - no end of it in sight.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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