
Sergey Lavrov Blasts Washington’s North Korea Policy


Sergey Lavrov Blasts Washington’s North Korea Policy

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Everyone everywhere wanting peace, not war, should blast it, imperial madness threatening life on earth.

The Trump administration wants North Korea isolated, all countries urged to sever ties with its government.

China and Russia reject bellicosity toward the country, neither willing to sever ties, fundamentally against Washington’s imperial agenda, calling for stepping back from the brink, engaging in responsible diplomacy to resolve contentious issues – what the Trump administration refuses to do.

On Thursday, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said “sever(ing) ties with (the DPRK) would be the easiest thing to do. The question is what we will do to resolve the issue. We believe that we should pool our efforts to…reach a settlement.”

Sergey Lavrov was uncharacteristically blunt, saying “(t)he latest US action seemed to be directed towards provoking Pyongyang into taking some rash action.”

“The Americans should start with explaining their intentions to us all. If they are really looking for an excuse to destroy North Korea, as the US envoy to the UN said at a Security Council meeting, let them spell it out clearly and let the US leadership confirm it. Then we will decide how to react.”

“We have repeatedly stressed that the sanctions pressure is essentially exhausted, and that all those resolutions that had imposed sanctions necessarily included demands to resume the political process, resume negotiations, and this is completely ignored by the US side. I think this is a big mistake.”

It shows Washington wants war, not peace. Is North Korea next on its target list? Will preemptive war on Russia, China and Iran follow later on?

Are we all doomed? Is there no way to avoid the unthinkable? Is humanity’s denouement in a mushroom-shaped cloud assured?

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."