
US Safe Haven for Terrorists in Syria


US Safe Haven for Terrorists in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Endless war in Syria rages because Washington, NATO, Israel, and their rogue partners oppose diplomatic resolution.

Eliminated terrorists are replaced with newly recruited fresh ones - an endless supply of cannon fodder for US-sponsored aggression, millions of Syrians gravely harmed by Washington’s megalomaniacal lust for global control, in Syria and everywhere else.

According to the Arabic-language al-Akhbar broadsheet, an email from Britain’s embassy in Washington revealed a US-led plot to partition Syria, destroying its sovereignty.

It’s part of Washington’s strategy to replace Assad with pro-Western puppet rule, including by undermining Russian-led conflict resolution efforts.

Geneva talks are farcical, utter failure after over five years of multiple rounds accomplishing nothing.

Astana and Sochi initiatives achieved no significant breakthroughs because of US-led undermining efforts. Conflict resolution is unattainable because of Washington’s imperial aims.

According to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin, US forces illegally occupying a 34-square mile at-Tanf exclusion zone on the Syrian/Iraqi border created “a reserve for terrorists…where they are (trained), rearmed and prepared for” anti-government combat - “under the leadership of the special operations forces and other units of the United States.”

The Pentagon is holding tens of thousands of Rukban camp refugees hostage to its imperial agenda, blocking humanitarian aid from reaching them - forcibly recruiting residents as anti-government fighters.

Separately according to Russia’s reconciliation center in Syria spokesman General Yuri Yevtushenko, (US-supported) al-Nusra terrorists intend sabotaging efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to East Ghouta residents they’re holding hostage as human shields.

“(M)ilitants of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group are staging a provocation with the aim to derail the delivery of humanitarian aid by a UN convoy to the populated locality of Douma, scheduled for the near future,” Yevtushenko explained, adding:

“Terrorists are set to open mortar fire on the convoy and blame the government forces for the attack.”

They’re targeting checkpoints to Russia’s humanitarian corridor, snipers using live fire on residents approaching them. Few were able to leave safely.

US-supported terrorists undermined Russia’s daily five-hour humanitarian pause - part of Washington’s plot to continue endless war.

Days earlier, Sergey Lavrov said Russia proposed a plan similar to how Aleppo was liberated - letting terrorists and their families leave safely for other Syrian areas, the idea so far not accepted.

“We would discuss any option leading to neutralizing the terrorists, stopping their activities,” Lavrov explained, adding: 

“If it requires transporting them out somewhere, we would not object to it, but it would require discussion. We are willing to discuss any scenario allowing to save human lives.”

“Russia will continue…assisting the Syrian Army in the final elimination of the terrorist threat.”

If Syria falls, Iran is next, then Russia and China.

Eliminating their sovereign independence is the final challenge to overcome for long sought US global dominance - wanting planet earth, its resources and populations controlled and exploited.

It’s a frighting scenario vital to prevent - democratic freedom or repressive fascism if US aims are achieved.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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