
Why Does Russia Waste Time on Diplomatic Outreach to the US?


Why Does Russia Waste Time on Diplomatic Outreach to the US?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Days of when the US negotiated fairly with Russia (and other countries) ended during the Clinton co-presidency, never revived, reaching a perilous low under Trump.

Washington demands other nations bend to its will - pressuring, bullying, and threatening them to get its way, waging political, economic, financial, and sanctions war to assert its authority - attacking them belligerently if other tactics fail.

US promises when made are hollow, breached time and again, most recently against Iran, North Korea, and Russia, pressuring China to subordinate its rights to US interests on trade and other issues - unsuccessfully after months of trying.

US policymakers consistently say one thing, then do something entirely different - demanding everything, giving nothing in return, why they can never be trusted. 

Diplomacy with Washington’s political class is an exercise in futility, especially for Russia, US enemy No. 1, wanting Kremlin governance replaced by puppet rule it controls, wanting the country’s vast resources looted, its people exploited.

Most importantly, US dark forces want the world’s leading super-power eliminated - together with China the only nations able to challenge Washington’s aim for global dominance effectively.

The only language US policymakers understand is toughness. A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down. It accomplishes nothing in dealing with Washington.

When will Moscow stop calling the US its partner? When will its  ruling authorities no longer tolerate hostile US actions?

When will they stop pretending diplomatic outreach to Washington can work? When will they give its hardliners a strong dose of their own medicine - short of nuclear war?

It’s where things are heading if Moscow doesn’t challenge their imperial agenda with toughness. Why did Russia’s Foreign Ministry waste time informing the Trump regime why its military personnel are in Venezuela?

Unlike US contempt for rule of law principles, Russia observes them to the letter in geopolitical dealings with other countries - no explanations needed to anyone about its legal relations with Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s legitimate president, not imposter Guaido.

Calling on Washington to respect Russia’s right to cooperate with Venezuela falls on deaf ears at the White House, State and war departments.

US officials only respect their own right to do as they please worldwide by their own rules exclusively, rights of other countries ignored.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was right saying the US is trying to force its agenda down the throat of Venezuela, other countries as well, “deliberately stoking chaos,” including sabotage of the Bolivarian Republic’s electricity grid.

Nations have the right to operate wherever they’re welcomed, the situation with Russian personnel in Venezuela, intending to stay as long as Maduro needs them, hopefully more to come to counter Trump regime imperial designs on the country.

Zakharova gave Trump regime hardliners a geography lesson, saying Russia’s Chukotka Peninsula is in the Western Hemisphere, making both countries neighbors.

There’s more Zakharova omitted. Russia’s Far East mainland is about 55 miles from Alaska. In the Bering Strait, Big Diomede island is Russian territory. Little Diomede belongs to the US.

They’re about 2.5 miles apart. In winter when waters between them freeze over, Russians and Americans could walk to each other’s countries if permitted.

They’re geographical neighbors, geopolitically world’s apart, major differences between them irreconcilable - on Venezuela and other key issues.

As for illegal US sanctions on Russia, more surely coming, Zakharova said “Moscow has simply lost count and stopped paying attention to them.”

In bilateral dealings, toughness over diplomatic outreach is the only way to get Washington’s attention, the only effective strategy - everything else a waste of time and counterproductive.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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