
Russia Again Attacking America’s Electoral System?


Russia Again Attacking America’s Electoral System?

by Stephen Lendman

The Big Lie appears a permanent fixture on the US political landscape - at least while Trump remains in office, likely after he’s gone as long as it’s politically advantageous to invent reasons to bash Russia.

The Russophobic NYT lying machine is at it again, maintaining a steady drumbeat of disinformation and Big Lies about the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin personally - while supporting US wars of aggression and Israeli high crimes against Palestinians.

The self-styled newspaper of record continues deceiving its readers, falsely accusing the Kremlin of US election system interference, claiming more of the same coming to subvert November midterms - never backing its claims with hard evidence because none exists.

The Times: “With fewer than 100 days to go until the midterms, the evidence continues to pile up that America’s electoral system remains a hot target for hackers, most notably agents of the Russian government.”

Claiming it is one thing, proving it another. The Times and other media scoundrels are long on accusations, short on proving what they claim.

The Times partially quoted Russophobic anti-democratic Dem Senator Clair McCaskill. Here’s her full statement, turning truth on its head, saying “Russia continues to engage in cyber warfare against our democracy. I will continue to speak out and press to hold them accountable,” adding: 

“While this attack was not successful, it is outrageous that they think they can get away with this. I will not be intimidated. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Putin is a thug and a bully.”

Like other Russophobes, she made unjustifiable accusations without proof. The canard about Russian US election interference wore thin long ago, along with numerous other false charges against the Kremlin and Putin.

He’s no thug or a bully. He’s an overwhelmingly popular, democratically elected and reelected Russian president. Its process shames America’s money-controlled system - one-party rule with two right wings, taking turns controlling the White House and Congress.

The Times: “Attempts to disrupt America’s government and electoral system are widespread and multifaceted,” adding:

“…Facebook announced that it had identified and removed dozens of pages and accounts linked to a coordinated effort aimed at influencing the November elections.”

Electoral system disruption America is internal, not external - generated by media scoundrels, acting as press agents for favored candidates, mostly by monied interests, colluding with party bosses to select winners over losers, voters with no say on who governs them.

Facebook long ago lost trustworthiness, censoring material for the imperial state and monied interests.

I experienced its venom firsthand, some of my articles deleted from my FB page, blocking individuals sending me “friends” requests, banishing me altogether for weeks - for refusing voluntarily to remove truth-telling content it considered objectionable, flagrantly breaching my First Amendment right.

The Times continues bashing Trump for the wrong reasons, notably for wanting improved relations with Russia. It disgracefully called his summit with Putin a “cuddlefest in Helsinki.”

It pretends US governance is democratic - only for the privileged few. The vast majority of Americans have no say whatever.

Russia threatens America? Trump the “biggest hurdle to combating this threat?”

The Kremlin respects the sovereign independence of all countries. It wages peace, not war. It wants cooperative relations with all nations.

America wants them submissive to its will, waging endless wars of aggression, staging color revolutions, trade and currency wars, along with other hostile actions to colonize planet earth for unchallenged control.

The “biggest hurdle(s)” to truth-telling about what’s going on are the Times and other media scoundrels.

They serve wealth, power and privilege exclusively, ignoring imperial state high crimes and corporate predation, pretending America is beautiful - only for those benefitting from harming countless others grievously.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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