
Rogue State Saudi Arabia Vilifies Peace Advocate Iran


Rogue State Saudi Arabia Vilifies Peace Advocate Iran

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Israel and the Saudis (now best of friends) are the region’s leading aggressors and human rights abusers.

At a Rome, Italy Mediterranean Dialogues/Beyond Turmoil conference, addressing a region referred to as “the epicenter of international disorder…synonymous with conflicts, political instability, terrorism, and” refugee crisis conditions, urging the creation of “a positive agenda,” Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir focused on demonizing Iran. 

Claiming Iranian “negative influence throughout the region” is clear to see turned truth on its head, along with ignoring Saudi high crimes in Yemen, supporting ISIS and other regional terrorist groups, and ruthless human rights abuses against its own people.

Jubier recited a litany of Big Lies, saying “(s)ince 1979, Iran has been the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism.

False! The dishonor applies to America, runner-up dishonor to NATO, Israel and the Saudis, the world’s leading rogue states – Iranian policies world’s apart from their deplorable aggression and other human rights abuses.

Jubeir: Iran “harbors and facilitates the movement of terrorists. (It) established Hezbollah in Lebanon, using it to launder money and smuggle drugs.”

Utter rubbish!

Representing Iran in Rome, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said he preferred not engaging in “Saudi bashing.” 

Jubeir’s disinformation and Big Lies left him no choice, saying Riyadh “rejected every ceasefire effort in Syria, in Lebanon.” 

“Who supported ISIS, hoping they would overthrow the government of Syria in three weeks? Who was behind an entire blockade of Qatar?”

“Who tried to force the prime minister of Lebanon out of office?” 

“We believe all countries need to live together, work together, but some people are trying to exclude us.”

Representing Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said “(w)e have been raising the issue of Saudi Arabia and Iran differences many times. They should start talking. It’s really unfortunate.”

Riyadh remains hostile to Iran, conspiring with Israel against the country, eager for war and regime change. Maybe Trump will accommodate them ahead.

Separately, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini attending the conference said the Iran nuclear deal won’t be renegotiated to please Washington.

It’s “finalized in a way that actually contains so many provisions and so many elements of control with the most intrusive system of verification…on every single aspect of nuclear activities. So anyone that thinks about renegotiating one chapter or another paragraph or line simply does not” understand how carefully the deal was constructed, two years of hard work to complete it.

In Tehran on Saturday, Iranian Armed Forces Deputy Chief of Staff of Staff General Massoud Jazayeri rejected efforts by Washington to negotiate on its missile capabilities.

“Our country’s defense prowess, as the main deterrent against the enemies of the Islamic Revolution, will always be on the path to progress,” he said.

Its entirely legal military capabilities aren’t open for negotiation with any nations, notably nuclear armed and dangerous America and Israel, partners in each other’s high crimes.

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