
Putin Dueling with the West?


Putin Dueling with the West?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

GOP and undemocratic Dem hardliners, along with echo chamber media scoundrels, consistently blame US enemies and adversaries for crimes and other wrongdoing committed by Washington against them.

Managed news misinformation and disinformation repeated enough gets most people to believe almost anything.

The neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post turned truth on its head, claiming “Russia’s (GRU) military intelligence (operates as) covert muscle in Putin’s duels with the West,” adding:

It’s “fingerprints (sic), the West claims, are increasingly found on suspected Kremlin-ordered operations around the world.”

“The (fabricated) list includes hacking into Democratic National Committee emails in 2016 (no hacking occurred), spearheading Russia’s (nonexistent) intervention in Ukraine, and the (US/UK false flag) nerve-agent attack (with no use of one) in Britain earlier this year,” falsely blamed on the Kremlin.

All of the above are CIA (whoops, WaPo) rubbish, the same phony accusations and many others repeated endlessly against Russia - long ago discredited.

Russian military intelligence, commonly referred to as the GRU, reports directly to the General Staff’s chief and defense minister of the Russian Federation’s armed forces.

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Federal Security Service, and Federal Protective Service report to the nation’s president.

The Kremlin had nothing to do with the above accusations and similar fabricated ones. WaPo lied claiming Russian military intelligence “has been at the forefront of the (state’s) psychological-warfare efforts, including an attempt to influence Ukraine policy in Congress in 2015.”

No evidence suggests Russian meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine or any other countries - US, NATO, Israeli specialties, not Moscow’s.

WaPo lied claiming Russian military intelligence is one of Vladimir Putin’s “most important tools.”

Trump’s Justice Department and special council Mueller’s accusations against Russian nationals were and remain fabricated. No credible evidence backs them.

WaPo lied saying the GRU “led the way in Russia’s interference in the (US) 2016 (presidential) election,” citing Mueller’s phony indictments of 12 Russian nationals.

No Kremlin meddling occurred in America’s internal affairs, nor against any other countries. No evidence backs the claim. 

Nor did Russia have anything to do with a December 2015 power outage in Ukraine, affecting over 200,000 people - falsely blamed on a GRU cyberattack, nor any other similar incidents in Ukraine or any other countries.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry correctly said “it has become the norm in Washington to promote fake news and initiate criminal proceedings for obvious political purposes.”

When it comes to Russia, Republicans and Dems operate the same way, making stuff up, blaming the Kremlin for all sorts of things it had nothing to do with - Britain partnering in the mass deception, notably over the March 2018 false flag Skripal incident.

At a November ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of Russian military intelligence, Putin minced no words, saying “(p)rovocations and outright lies are being used and attempts are being made to disrupt strategic parity,” adding: 

“I have confidence in your professionalism, your personal courage and dedication. I am certain that you will do everything for Russia and our people.”

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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