

Being an expat can be both exciting and challenging.  A change of environment, culture, way of doing business, language, and other factors.  Many expats enjoy the challenge and sense of adventure, but it can be costly, time consuming, and in some cases dangerous.  Simply it takes time to learn some things like where to find […]

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RBS Said to Pass Currency Trader Chats to FCA Amid Probe

By Gavin Finch and Liam Vaughan – Oct 9, 2013 Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc has handed over records of instant messages to U.K. regulators after concluding a former currency trader’s communications with counterparts at other firms may have been inappropriate, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The messages related to […]

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Five Years in Limbo

08 October 2013 NEW YORK – When the US investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, triggering the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression, a broad consensus about what caused the crisis seemed to emerge. A bloated and dysfunctional financial system had misallocated capital and, rather than managing risk, had actually created it. […]

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The Only Chart That The Majority Of Americans Should Care About

Having recently showed the diverging “consumer comfort” between the haves and the have-nots, perhaps the following chart more than any other typifies the superficial society in the US today. The question is – what happened in 1999/2000 to break the “what’s good for Wall Street is good for Main Street” meme?

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David Stockman Explains The Keynesian State-Wreck Ahead – Sundown In America

David Stockman, author of The Great Deformation [79], summarizes the last quarter century thus: What has been growing is the wealth of the rich, the remit of the state, the girth of Wall Street, the debt burden of the people, the prosperity of the beltway and the sway of the three great branches of government […]

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An Empire of Money and Privilege in Decline: Portrait of a Tragic Policy Error

“Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences.” Robert Louis Stevenson “They don’t have intelligence. They have what I call thintelligence. They see the immediate situation. They think narrowly and they call it ‘being focused.’ They don’t see the surroundings. They don’t see the consequences.” Michael Crichton The Fed is faced with […]

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Germany’s Merkel Is Key to Currency-Trading Levy

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s choice of coalition partner will play a key role in deciding how far the foreign-exchange market is burdened by a proposed financial-transactions tax in 11 European Union states. Merkel, who last year backed a European Commission plan for a broad-based tax on trades in stocks, bonds, derivatives and other assets, is […]

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Obamacare: A Deception

The article below is the most comprehensive analysis available of “Obamacare” – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The author, a knowledgeable person who wishes to remain anonymous, explains how Obamacare works for the insurance companies but not for you. Obamacare was formulated on the concept of health care as a commercial commodity and […]

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Catastrophic Shocks Through Complex Socio-Economic Systems

Catastrophic Shocks Through Complex Socio-Economic Systems: A Pandemic Perspective David Korowicz Summary The globalised economy has become more complex (connectivity, interdependence, and speed), de-localized, with increasing concentration within critical systems. This has made us all more vulnerable to systemic shocks. This paper provides an overview of the effect of a major pandemic on the operation […]

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