
Deutsche Bank spooked out of Gold fix

The very foundations of the modern financial system are being shaken; through scandals, market crisis, new regulation, social changes, and technology; all playing a part in permanently evolving how the global financial system operates.  One of the most well known traditions in precious metals is the daily “Gold Fix,” where the dealers would literally decide […]

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Who Has the Time and Motivation to Comprehend the Mess We’re In? Almost Nobody

GIH: As we slip into a global crisis, paradigm shift, climate change, social upheaval, and a myriad of other unprecedented circumstances, many simply do not have the time or motivation to even follow what’s going on.  This is both tragic and frightening, because society will need an intelligent mass of productive human capital to rebuild […]

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An incremental approach to investing

Typically, potential investors receive an ‘elevator pitch’ which can lead to a presentation, and finally some offering memorandum such as a private placement memorandum.  This has been industry standard for a long time, and certainly since the concept of Venture Capital became popular.  But it leaves investors with very shallow on the surface information.  Of […]

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The Sheer Idiocy Of The Markets In One Chart

As if many of us needed any proof, the below report shows the low level of intelligence used by investors, purchasing a company that ‘sounds like’ a Google takeover target, but is actually not related at all. When Google bought Nest (for its smart, intrusive thermostat technology that gives the NSA a front-row seat into […]

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Fed’s Fisher Says “Investors Have Beer Goggles From Liquidity”

The Fed’s Fisher provides an intimate insight into the thinking of a Fed President.  In well crafted Fed speak, he warns of a potential market decline because it will be impossible for the Fed to continue with the QE indefinitely.  But there are larger economic impacts much more significant than the stock market, such as […]

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America’s Dwindling Economic Freedom

A combination of factors in the US are putting the American economy at a huge disadvantage.  The following report looks at how freedom affects the economy.  As the US is becoming a police state, with highly regulated financial markets, it can only create additional costs and discourage new investment.  With the possibility of the internet, […]

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Bill Yields Turn Negative On Safe-Haven Un-Rotation

While many watch the stock market, we should take note of the bond markets, specifically the US Treasury market, as a means of more ‘real money’ sentiment.  From Zero Hedge: As stocks have vacillated in a worryingly not-straight-up manner for the last few days with today’s weakness taking the Dow and S&P 500 pre-holiday lows […]

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We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks is a 2013 American independent documentary film about the organization started by Julian Assange, and people involved in the collection and distribution of secret information and media by whistleblowers. It covers a period of several decades, and includes considerable background material. Read More: 

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ALERT: Point of Sale RAM scraper malware

Advances in technology have led to more sophisticated crimes by exploiting security vulnerabilities of new technologies.  This is exacerbated by the fact that understanding of these technologies and their use is only by a few, while the majority of end-users are unaware.  Generally speaking, following standard security practices will thwart 95% of electronic crimes such […]

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