
‘What does ISP mean?’

GIH: Shocking information has come forth that government officials responsible for cybersecurity initiatives do not have basic knowledge about the internet, such as what an “ISP” is.  How can those who know nothing about a topic regulate or execute it? One of the world’s leading cyberwarfare experts has warned of the damaging lack of government […]

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NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for ‘irreversible collapse’?

GIH: Can income inequality actually be a major factor, if not the primary cause, of complete civilization collapse?  It can, according to a NASA funded study.  While many see the struggle of haves and have nots as ethical, or somehow sociological, actually it can be about survival for our species.  In a similar way how […]

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How the NSA Plans to Infect ‘Millions’ of Computers with Malware

GIH:  As more information comes out about various spy agencies and their cyber divisions, it seems that those such as the NSA pose a larger threat to internet security than the hackers they are supposedly protecting us from.  The following information should make any user of the internet, be it a business or individual or […]

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Bernanke says overconfidence caused financial crisis

GIH: The ex-Fed chairman Ben Bernanke says that ‘overconfidence’ created the financial crisis.  As any Fed Chair, has he become victim of his own Fedspeak training?  Isn’t confidence good for markets, and fear is bad?  Don’t we worry the investors will have ‘fears’ and depart markets, and spend significant efforts to restore their confidence? From […]

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Putin is shaping events in Ukraine. It’s time the west caught up

One of the alarming features of the crisis on Ukraine‘s Crimean peninsula is the staggering confidence with which Vladimir Putin is pursuing his agenda there and in eastern Ukraine. In quick order, Russian troops from the Black Sea fleet – as it has now been acknowledged by the pro-Russian prime minister of Crimea – have seized airports and […]

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The Greatest Propaganda Coup Of Our Time?

From Mike Whitney of Counterpunch [48] The Greatest Propaganda Coup of Our Time? There’s good propaganda and bad propaganda. Bad propaganda is generally crude, amateurish Judy Miller “mobile weapons lab-type” nonsense that figures that people are so stupid they’ll believe anything that appears in “the paper of record.” Good propaganda, on the other hand, uses factual, sometimes […]

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