
US tech giants knew of NSA data collection, agency’s top lawyer insists

The senior lawyer for the National Security Agency stated unequivocally on Wednesday that US technology companies were fully aware of the surveillance agency’s widespread collection of data, contradicting months of angry denials from the firms. Rajesh De, the NSA general counsel, said all communications content and associated metadata harvested by the NSA under a 2008 […]

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Busted! – U.S. Tech Giants Knew Of NSA Spying Says Agency’s Senior Lawyer

GIH: As it turns out, tech giants were in fact working with the NSA to collect user data electronically.  They have vehemently denied this.  It seemed to make more sense, that NSA had worked with them, compared to NSA being able to hack on multiple levels their systems.  Although the NSA has developed many technologies […]

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Ukraine Announces Joint US Military Exercises As Obama Rules Out “Military Incursion” – Recap Of The Day’s Events

With the story of the day undoubtedly Yellen’s first (bungled) press conference, it was easy to forget that the second coming of the Cold War is raging in the Ukraine. For those curious what they may have missed, here is a summary of the major events that took place in the troubled country this afternoon. […]

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Russia Examines Its Options for Responding to Ukraine

By George Friedman The fall of the Ukrainian government and its replacement with one that appears to be oriented toward the West represents a major defeat for the Russian Federation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia accepted the reality that the former Eastern European satellite states would be absorbed into the Western economic and political systems. Moscow […]

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Meet The Brand New, And Shocking, Third Largest Foreign Holder Of US Treasurys

Something hilarious, and at the same time pathetic, happened earlier today: at precisely 9 am the US Treasury released its delayed Treasury International Capital data (which was supposed to be released yesterday but was delayed because it snowed) which disclosed all the latest foreign Treasury holdings for the month of January. Among the key numbers […]

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New York seeks curbs on high-frequency trading

GIH: New York now taking steps against “HFT” High Frequency Trading.  If so called “High Frequency Trading” is not the best that capitalism can offer – than what is?  On the surface, they are attacking firms that have a so called ‘preferred’ access to information.  But trading by nature is information warfare.  Do the policies […]

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Corporate Insiders Most Bearish In 24 Years

GIH: Corporate insider activity is always a good indicator of market sentiment; now insiders are most bearish in 24 years.  The implication is that they have a pulse on the market, their own internal operations, and high quality information from their partners. Just last week Goldman noted that February was “the busiest month in the buyback desk’s […]

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SEC Freezes Bugatti-Driving 26-Year-Old “AwesomePennyStocks” Owner’s Assets

GIH: The SEC is dealing with a new generation of digital ‘boiler rooms’ – email lists & forums that present misleading information to lure investors.  “AwesomePennyStocks” was apparently one of the largest such newsletters, promoting otherwise worthless companies many times dumping their own shares as the price rise.  Sadly, many clients don’t bother to do […]

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Why HTTPS and SSL are not as secure as you think

GIH: We are led to believe that by installing a certificate, or by other common security practices, we are safe.  The following shows that this may not be the case, especially considering the vulnerabilities of HTTPS protocol, the commonly accepted ‘safe’ way to browse: In this day and age of well-known NSA spying, everyone keeps […]

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