
The Next Shoe Just Dropped: Court Denies Attorney-Client Privelege

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog, In the Land of the Free, people grow up hearing a lot of things about their freedom. You’re told that you live in the freest country on the planet. You’re told that other nations ‘hate you’ for your freedom. And you’re told that you have the most […]

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What Happens When “The Workers” Just Don’t Care Anymore?

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog [4], One of the big problems in America today is that a lot of people simply do not seem to care about what they are doing anymore.  The level of sloth, laziness and apathy that we are witnessing in this country is absolutely mind-numbing.  Of course this is not […]

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The Golden Era of the 1950s/60s Was an Anomaly, Not the Default Setting

The 1950s/60s were not “normal”–they were a one-off, extraordinary anomaly. If there is one thing that unites trade unionists, Keynesian Cargo Cultists, free-market fans and believers in American exceptionalism, it’s a misty-eyed nostalgia for the Golden Era of the 1950s and 60s, when one wage-earner earned enough to buy all the goodies of a middle-class […]

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China wants explanation on allegations of US spying

China has demanded a clear explanation from the United States following reports that it infiltrated the servers of the Chinese telecoms giant, Huawei. The company said it would condemn the invasion of its networks if the reports in the New York Times were true. The newspaper quoted documents, allegedly from the US National Security Agency […]

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High Speed Click Fraud: Over One Third Of All Internet “Traffic” Is Fake

“When you bundle bots, clicks fraud, viewability and the lack of transparency [in automated ad buying], the total digital-media value equation is being questioned and totally challenged,” warns one advertising group executive as theWSJ reports about 36% of all Web traffic is considered fake, the product of computers hijacked by viruses and programmed to visit sites. This […]

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Forget Russia Dumping U.S. Treasuries … Here’s the REAL Economic Threat

Russia threatened to dump its U.S. treasuries if America imposed sanctions regarding Russia’s action in the Crimea. Zero Hedge argues that Russia has already done so. But veteran investor Jim Sinclair argues that Russia has a much scarier financial attack which Russia can use against the U.S. Specifically, Sinclair says that if Russia accepts payment for oil and gas in […]

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Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce “Holy Grail” Gas Deal With China

If it was the intent of the West to bring Russia and China together – one a natural resource (if “somewhat” corrupt) superpower and the other a fixed capital / labor output (if “somewhat” capital misallocating and credit bubbleicious) powerhouse – in the process marginalizing the dollar and encouraging Ruble and Renminbi bilateral trade, then […]

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Mapping Europe’s Mutually Assured Economic Destruction As EU Plans More Sanctions

With senior German officials expecting discussions among leaders at the EU Summit to solely focused on a second round of sanctions against Russia (and warnings that they “must avoid a spiral of sanctions”), we thought it worth drilling down on just how mutually-dependent the two regions are. As Acting-Man’s Pater Tenebrarum notes [10], the following infographics suggest tit-for-tat sanctions […]

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Chinese Stocks Enter Bear Market Following 2 More Defaults Overnight

Following the default of 2 more corporations last night, Hang Seng’s index of China Enterprises plunged to 8-month lows and officially entered bear market territory. Overnight angst in the Chinese currency markets (which saw the Yuan trade back to 1-year lows) has sparked broad commodity weakness (as CCFD unwinds en masse) with copper giving back most of yesterday’s […]

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