CIA hack job(s) EXPOSED

Finally, we have a ‘snowden’ event for the CIA and the inner workings of how the agency operates in the digital ‘cyber’ sphere.  Wikileaks released “Vault7” – a treasure trove of documents pertaining to their ‘cyberwarfare’ or in layman’s terms, hacking operations.  Since we’ve released Splitting Pennies, in the hope of explaining how the world […]

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Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: “The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”; Another Snowden Emerges

WikiLeaks has published what it claims is the largest ever release of confidential documents on the CIA. It includes more than 8,000 documents as part of ‘Vault 7’, a series of leaks on the agency, which have allegedly emerged from the CIA’s Center For Cyber Intelligence in Langley, and which can be seen on the […]

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The valuation of financial knowledge

How valuable is software that makes money? Obviously, it’s priceless. How do we value the biggest opaque commodity – knowledge?  How does one value financial knowledge? Finance as both a topic and industry has been holding huge secrets guarded by the most rich and powerful in the world for hundreds of generations. Why don’t they […]

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DHS Insider Warns “It’s Spy Versus Spy”

Submitted by VicturusLibertas via The Burning Platform blog, VL has been fortunate enough to work with some awesome people!  We have loyal and awakened followers who help bring us information, and we also have trusted insiders, whistleblowers and leakers who trust us enough to give us information, too.  Today, we have an exclusive interview with […]

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German Intelligence Clears Russia Of Election Interference

Submitted by Ray McGovern via The Strategic Culture Foundation, After a multi-month, politically charged investigation, German intelligence agencies could find no good evidence of Moscow-directed cyber-attacks or a disinformation campaign aimed at subverting the democratic process in Germany. Undaunted, Chancellor Angela Merkel has commissioned a new investigation. Last year, Berlin’s two main intelligence agencies, the BND and […]

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Is Trump the largest FX Trader in the world?

(GLOBALINTELHUB) –Trump met with Shinzo Abe friday, the famous inflationist Prime Minister of Japan.  The issue in question is if Trump will label Japan a ‘currency manipulator’ – whatever that means.  It seems to be the equivalent of ‘Currency Headwinds’ in publicly traded companies.  Because, every currency is manipulated!  The only currency in use today […]

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Trade is FX. Protecting USD status as the worlds reserve

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) 2/10/2017 — One of the most important points in the new “Trump System” of doing business, is that of the US Dollar, which currently is used by world’s central banks as their reserve.  Also, it’s used by peasants in many parts of the world including Russia – as an alternative to their domestic currency. […]

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Fake News for Fake People in an Engineered Fake Culture

America really is the land of the dreams.  Dreams, take many forms; hallucinations, nightmares, delusions, bad trips. Fake News is really descriptive; how about Fake culture, fake people, fake life.  Is America real?  You wouldn’t think there are people living here if you walk down most streets, all you see is cars, the occasional dog […]

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