
Robocalling is out of control: End the robo call spam fraud virus attacks

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) – 6/2/2017 Robocalling is out of control.  Once the domain of sophisticated telemarketers, now it has spread to include cyber fraud, international telemarketing, and some unknown services that just ‘dial’ numbers with no reason (this appears to be the most bizarre). The spam phone calls have become so out of control, it’s even common now […]

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The Conspiracy Mill

5/28/2017 – (GLOBALINTELHUB)– Ever since JFK the word ‘conspiracy theory’ has been used to discredit anyone holding a non-conventional view, such as based on facts regarding the CIA’s role in providing security at Area 51 (and the point being, what are they doing there?).  But since the Trump election ‘conspiracy theorists’ like Alex Jones have been thrust […]

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ALERT: Euro impending collapse, but don’t worry – FX is simple

Forex is the most simple market in the world. As we explain in our book Splitting Pennies – Forex is the underpinning of the world’s financial system. Although it is also the least understood market, there’s nothing ‘sophisticated’ about FX. Take a dollar, exchange it for a euro. The rate changes – exchange it back. Simple! Trading money.

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Dollar testing highs against the Canadian Dollar as Canada struggles with identity crisis

Is Canada a ‘real’ country? What is a ‘real’ country anyway? Is a ‘country’ defined by ethnic lines, borders, corporations, or what the United Nations says? Is Kosovo a country? Some say yes, some do not agree: Kosovo, self-declared independent country in the Balkans region of Europe.

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USA places last in Forex market

Going back to the ‘USA is Exceptional’ meme- yes this is true! But it’s not necessarily a good thing (just like, being positive isn’t always good, for example it’s not good to be HIV positive). USA has the highest per capita prison population – and is exceptional in a number of areas. USA is number one in terms of real GDP, and last in many other terms. One thing that the USA is last in – FX.

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Time for the US Army to invade Canada

With the passing of David Rockefeller and Trump’s pro-USA policies, we’re seeing a number of interests in alignment that point back to one thing: a Pre-Industrial isolationist America, as we saw during the 20th century, as opposed to a New World Order leader creating superstates and intervening in costly foreign wars. Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan – it all boils down to modern colonialism, a post-industrial colonialism; as we explain in our book Splitting Pennies.

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Robots are just a catalyst shifting to new paradigm

The news, even the ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative news’ has been reduced to the bottom of the Maslow pyramid, personalizing things while dismantling the small amount of journalistic integrity that existed. The only next lower step is name calling “you are stupid-head, poopy face” or throwing food. Liberals are angry that Trump won, Trump supporters are angry that liberals are so angry, blacks are angry because one of their own is out; women are angry because a “Man” is President, what’s next?

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NSA Interest in the Paranormal

A declassified NSA draft titled Parapsychology: The COMSEC Threat and SIGINT Capability recently caught my attention when an excerpt was shared by researcher Michael Best. COMSEC stands for communications security, while SIGINT refers to signals intelligence. The six-page document, apparently composed in approximately 1981 and approved for release in 2011, may be viewed in full on the CIA website.

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