
Shinzo Abe: Japan’s US Controlled Puppet Prime Minister

Shinzo Abe: Japan’s US Controlled Puppet Prime Minister by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Japan remains occupied US territory 72 years after WW II ended.  Around 50,000 US forces operate on dozens of military bases, about half on Okinawa, the country’s Puerto Rico, its poorest prefecture, dominated by America’s presence under conditions […]

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Monday Trump/Netanyahu Meeting

Monday Trump/Netanyahu Meeting by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) They’ll meet on the sidelines of the UN’s 72nd session in New York. According to Israel’s Channel 2, he’ll propose America either renege on the Iran nuclear deal or revise it to serve Israeli interests, rendering worthless.  Either way, US noncompliance with its […]

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Internet Freedom Threatened

Internet Freedom Threatened by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Digital democracy is the last frontier of free and open expression, the only reliable independent space for real news, information and analysis – enabling anyone to freely express views on any topics. Government censorship remains an ominous possibility. Last spring, UK Prime Minister […]

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Russia Refutes US Accusation About Bombing Coalition Forces

Russia Refutes US Accusation About Bombing Coalition Forces by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Comprised of anti-government terrorists, they should be targeted, involved in massacring residents of Raqqa and other areas where they’re rampaging. Russia should target all terrorist forces in Syria, elements unwilling to cease trying to topple Assad’s legitimate government. […]

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A Korean Peninsula Crisis Resolution Proposal

A Korean Peninsula Crisis Resolution Proposal by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Syrian peace process could be a model for Russia and China to pursue in trying to defuse crisis on the Korean peninsula – Washington not involved except as an observer. Important progress has been made despite no decisive breakthroughs […]

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Constitution Revisionism

Constitution Revisionism by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) According to the New York Times, the US Constitution wasn’t “designed for a society with economic inequality” – precisely what it was designed for, the nation to be run by and for its privileged class exclusively. Governance since the neoliberal 90s exacerbated things to […]

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Deplorable Ignorance and Indifference of Most Americans

Deplorable Ignorance and Indifference of Most Americans by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Americans are the most over-entertained, uninformed people on the planet – mostly know-nothings about domestic and geopolitical issues mattering most.  A new Gallup poll provides more evidence – 58% of respondents supporting war if peaceful methods with North Korea […]

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Anti-Democratic Israeli Laws

Anti-Democratic Israeli Laws  by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Ziofascists and religious fundamentalists dominate Israel’s Knesset. It shows in deplorable racist, anti-democratic legislation, hardening repression against Palestinians. Key measures enacted this year and in 2016 focused on land ownership and use, free expression and association, as well as civil and political rights. […]

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UN General Assembly’s 72nd Session

UN General Assembly’s 72nd Session by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) UNGA 72 convened on September 12. The General Debate runs from September 19 – 25, featuring addresses by top officials of memer states. Sergey Lavrov head’s Russia’s delegation. On September 21, he’ll address the GA. He’ll meet with numerous leaders and […]

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UN to Publish Database of Companies Operating in Israeli Settlements

UN to Publish Database of Companies Operating in Israeli Settlements by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The normally pro-Western UN Human Rights Council (HRC) compiled a database of international companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements – in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Syria’s Golan, stolen land for exclusive Jewish development […]

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