
Iran’s New Ballistic Missile

Iran’s New Ballistic Missile by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Iran’s ballistic missile program is entirely legitimate, solely for defense, designed to carry conventional warheads, not nuclear ones as US and Israeli hawks falsely claim, vilifying the country disgracefully. On Friday, its new Khorramshahr ballistic missile was displayed during a Tehran military […]

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Life-Threatening Damn Failure in Puerto Rico

Life-Threatening Damn Failure in Puerto Rico by Stephen Lendman  Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the island, knocking out power entirely, causing severe damage to homes, businesses, government and other facilities, along with vital infrastructure. Over two dozen Caribbean fatalities were reported, unknown numbers injured and missing. Some areas remain inaccessible. A state of emergency exists, […]

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Geoffrey M. Young: Progressive Democrat for Congress

Geoffrey M. Young: Progressive Democrat for Congress by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Geoff is a political anomaly, a true progressive, the real McCoy, saying what he means forthrightly and meaning what he says, no doubletalk so commonplace in Washington. If Congress had a majority like him and a peacemaker like Jack […]

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US to Plunder Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches

US to Plunder Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Endless US aggression in Afghanistan has nothing to do with combating terrorism (America supports it), everything to do with controlling the country, using it for oil and gas pipelines, part of encircling Russia and China with US military bases, and […]

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Confrontation in Catalonia

Confrontation in Catalonia by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Catalonia was independent earlier, over the past century settling for autonomy instead. In 2006, Spain’s High Court ruled parts of the community’s Statute of Autonomy were unconstitutional, sparking calls for independence. Spain’s hardline Prime Minister Mariano Roy earlier called Catalonia’s secession aim “an […]

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Russia Warns Washington

Russia Warns Washington by Stephen Lendman Russia is committed to free Syria from the scourge of terrorism Washington supports – a noble mission deserving universal support. On Thursday, the Kremlin said “Russia has officially informed the United States via a special communications channel that Russian forces will strike immediately US-backed forces if they attack or […]

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Trump Warns Washington

Russia Warns Washington by Stephen Lendman Russia is committed to free Syria from the scourge of terrorism Washington supports – a noble mission deserving universal support. On Thursday, the Kremlin said “Russia has officially informed the United States via a special communications channel that Russian forces will strike immediately US-backed forces if they attack or […]

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Trump to Ease Restrictions on Terror-Bombing by Drones

Trump Set to Ease Restrictions on Terror-Bombing by Drones by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) US terror-bombing by drones, warplanes and attack helicopters largely massacres civilians – on the phony pretext of combating ISIS and other jihadists America supports. Obama’s drone war was lawless and despicable by any standard, picking up where […]

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US and Russian Officials Hold Talks on Syria

US and Russian Military Officials Hold Talks on Syria by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) A same day article explained Russia warned Washington, saying its “forces will strike immediately US-backed forces if they attack or shell Syrian or Russian task forces operating near the Deir Ezzor city…using all means of destruction.”  The […]

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Status Quo Healthcare 50 – Graham-Cassidy Zero

Status Quo Healthcare 50 – Graham-Cassidy Zero by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) That’s the verdict of Medicaid directors in all 50 states – joining other health, medical and patient advocacy groups, opposing the deplorable Graham-Cassidy Obamacare replacement bill, its provisions discussed in an earlier article. The National Association of Medicaid Directors […]

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