
Manufacturing Nonexistent US National Security Threats


Manufacturing Nonexistent US National Security Threats

by Stephen Lendman

The US needs enemies and threats to unjustifiably justify its belligerent national security state agenda. None exist so they’re invented. 

The Global War on Terror is the greatest hoax in modern times - along with the no-peace/Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Washington’s imperial agenda for unchallenged global dominance is humanity’s greatest threat. 

Countless trillions of dollars are poured down a black hole of waste, fraud and abuse to enrich the nation’s military, industrial, security complex at a time real enemies of the state and foreign threats don’t exist.

Anyone challenging what’s going on risks being treated like a national security threat, including investigative journalists like Julian Assange and whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden for exposing US wrongdoing.

Along with justifiable dissent, their actions are the highest form of patriotism, violating no international, constitutional, or US statute laws.

Am I a threat to national security because of my writing and public remarks? Challenging speech, media, and academic freedoms is what totalitarian rule is all about - backed by police state harshness, defying First Amendment freedoms in America, the most important ones without which all others are threatened.

Because of my passion for truth-telling on vital domestic and geopolitical issues, US intelligence community officials are my most dedicated readers, focusing on everything I write, taking notes, keeping them, sharing them amongst themselves.

Big Brother watches everyone. The DNI, FBI, CIA, NSA, and other US intelligence community members maintain detailed dossiers on virtually everyone involved in what I do, myself included.

Do I threaten US national security? Can the power of the pen match its political, economic, financial, propaganda, and military might?

How? I have no weapons, never owned any, don’t want any, abhor them. I haven’t held or fired a small arm since mandatory military service in the 1950s. 

I get along fine with neighbors and everyone I have contact with. The notion that I might threaten anyone, let alone US might, attributes power to me I don’t have - other than the power of truth-telling, a force to be reckoned with if able to reach millions and arouse them enough to become activists for responsible change. 

Violence is abhorrent in all forms, state-sponsored most of all, the way Washington and its imperial partners operate worldwide. I’m passionately opposed to harm committed by anyone against anyone else, what everyone should oppose.

Armed only with my desktop and commitment to truth-telling, writing daily pro bono, influenced by and connected to no one other than supportive web editors, colleagues, friends, and readers worldwide, I press ahead to inform readers of what I learn and know about the horrors committed by my government, its imperial allies, and corporate crooks, along with major media support for what demands denunciation.

I’m proudly anti-war, pro-peace, equity and justice, supporting democratic values the way they’re supposed to be, along with strict adherence to and enforcement of rule of law principles.

I’m appalled and outraged that the nation I grew up in no longer exists. It’s gone, replace by one-party rule with two money-controlled extremist right wings, waging war on humanity at home and abroad, responsible for raping and destroying one country after another, immune from accountability.

As a boy, adolescent, youth and young man, I felt safe and secure unlike today - never fearing nuclear war and mass destruction the way I do now.

Bipartisan extremists running things in Washington threaten everyone everywhere - an indisputable fact. Their diabolical agenda opposes fundamental freedoms, world peace, equity and justice for everyone.

During the Cold War years, Washington got along with Soviet Russia, even if uneasily at times. Nixon went to China.

Today relations with both countries are more dismal and dangerous than any previous time in memory. Nuclear war is ominously possible by accident or design.

In my 9th decade, I may never live long enough to know how things turn out. Will America be consumed by its arrogance and hubris? Will it destroy planet earth and its life forms?

In the aftermath of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, Jack Kennedy said he “never had the slightest intention of” attacking or invading Cuba.

In office, he transformed himself from a warrior to peacemaker, wanting all US forces out of Vietnam, opposing war instead of wanting it waged, paying with his life for being on the right side of the most vital of all issues - his geopolitical agenda imperfect but world’s apart from the way things are now.

Obama was no Jack Kennedy. Nor is Trump, his regime and Congress infested with neocons,  Dems as ruthlessly dangerous as Republicans.

There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them on endless wars of aggression, corporate rapaciousness, eliminating social justice, along with destroying fundamental freedoms US power brokers want eliminated - on the phony pretext of protecting national security at a time America’s only enemies are invented ones. Real ones don’t exist.

Bipartisan hardline rule is heading things for full-blown tyranny, along with wanting the message controlled, digital democracy threatened, what totalitarianism is all about, enforced with police state harshness.

Most Americans are none the wiser about the clear and present threats they face. Is catastrophic nuclear war inevitable? Will humanity survive or perish?

Are we doomed because of bipartisan US rage for global dominance. Republicans and Dems want all sovereign independent governments co-opted or eliminated, wars of aggression their favored strategy.

Today is the most perilous time in world history. Daily events should scare everyone. Fantasy

democracies in the West masquerade as real ones.

Popular needs increasingly go begging. Poverty is America’s leading growth industry, endless wars the national pastime, waging them for alleged peace GOP and Dem policymakers abhor.

Conquest, occupation, colonization, along with carving up whole continents for profit and control are prioritized. Ordinary people are exploited and abused, not served.

Governance is exclusively of, by, and for the privileged few alone, the rights and welfare of most others long ago abandoned.

Criminality in high places is rewarded, not punished. Protracted main street Depression continues with no end of it in prospect, things worsening for ordinary people, not improving. The wealth divide between high-net-worth households and ordinary Americans is unprecedented and growing.

America is a plutocracy, not a democracy. Policies adopted in Washington and other Western capitals make things worse, not better.

Officials running things are hostile to what all just societies hold dear. Peace advocates and human rights champions are shunned, social democrats like Hugo Chavez vilified and eliminated.

Warmakers win peace prizes. Why not when war is considered peace by US and other Western policymakers.

We the people are them, their cronies, and interests they support, not us. Today’s insanely destructive weapons can and may end life on earth.

Global war can doom us all if waged. Bipartisan enthusiasm for endless wars is why they’re waged, along with hugely benefitting war-profiteers.

Politicians in bed with corporate crooks don’t give a hoot about life, liberty, equity, justice, human welfare, peace and stability. Survival may depend on revolutionary change nowhere in sight. 

US-led Western policymakers turned planet earth into a ticking time bomb set to explode if things continue on their hugely destructive course.

America was never beautiful when I was young. Its agenda today may kill us all.

Peace in our time no longer exists. Bipartisan leadership running the country is its greatest threat.

Upside down reality endangers everyone everywhere. Elections when held are farcical, voting a waste of time when dirty business as usual always wins. 

The only solution is nonviolent revolution. People power alone can save us  - what I strongly support because there’s no alternative to nations free and safe to live in.

If that makes me a threat to national security, bring it on.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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