
New Law Solidifies Israeli Control Over Jerusalem


New Law Solidifies Israeli Control Over Jerusalem

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Ziofascists and religious fundamentalists run Israel, an apartheid police state masquerading as democratic, a notion it rejects - as do America and its rogue allies.

Palestinians are occupied, subjugated and persecuted, denied their fundamental rights.

Oslo reflected unilateral Palestinian surrender, things worsening since the duplicitous Clinton, Rabin, Arafat September 1993 White House lawn ceremony - a Palestinian Versailles, renouncing their fundamental rights to a brutal occupier.

Under Netanyahu, things are deplorable, a tyrannical regime brutalizing Palestinians mercilessly - with full support and encouragement from Washington.

Each time so-called peace talks are initiated, they’re dead on arrival. Trump’s Jerusalem declaration ended any chance for an “ultimate deal” as long as he and Netanyahu remain in office - other than perhaps second Palestinian Versailles, agreeing to continued or greater subjugation, including no chance for East Jerusalem to become the capital for a future Palestinian state.

A newly enacted Knesset law hardens Israel’s position on the city. Approved on Tuesday, it requires a two-thirds Knesset majority to withdraw from any part of Jerusalem - further assuring it remains Israel’s exclusive capital.

The 1980 Jerusalem Law, amended in 2000 stated:

“No authority that is stipulated in the law of the State of Israel or of the Jerusalem Municipality may be transferred either permanently or for an allotted period of time to a foreign body, whether political, governmental or to any other similar type of foreign body.”

The new measure requires an 80-MK super-majority to amend or otherwise change the Jerusalem Law.

Its religious fundamentalist co-sponsor, MK Shuli Moalem-Refaeli, said its “goal…is prevent(ing) concessions as part of diplomatic deals,” adding:

“Jerusalem will never be on the negotiating table. The State of Israel will not allow for the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.” 

“Get it into your heads that Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people and will remain the capital of the Jewish people for all eternity.”

Measure opponent Nahman Shai slammed it, saying “(w)e don’t need new laws on Jerusalem now. We have already seen what happens” at the Aq-Aqsa Mosque and compound. “When Jerusalem burns, everything burns.”

MK Esawi Freige called the new law “racist…seeking to remove 100,000 (Palestinian) residents from the city.”

In 1980, Israel illegally annexed East Jerusalem. Palestinian residents remain unwanted. They’re being systematically dispossessed to Judaize the city entirely.

Racist Israeli policies include ghettoizing Palestinian neighborhoods, prohibiting them from building on their own land without near-impossible to get permit permission, restricting or denying essential public services, pushing them to leave voluntarily.

Since 1967, the Palestinian population in the city increased fivefold - confined to densely crowded areas with no room to expand.

Extremist settlers are encouraged to reside in Palestinian neighborhoods, a displacement policy to force longtime residents out of the city, freeing areas for greater Judaization. 

Longstanding Israeli policy calls for maximum Jews and minimum Arabs - especially in Jerusalem, wanted exclusively for Jewish development and use.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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