
Israel’s BDS Blacklist


Israel’s BDS Blacklist

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

America and Israel are the world’s most reviled states - fantasy democracies, not the real thing. 

Ziofascist regimes run them, defying rule of law principles, committing horrendous human and civil rights abuses unaccountably.

BDS activism is vital, the most effective initiative challenging Israeli ruthlessness, essential to preserve and support. 

Resisting tyranny is a universal right. BDS activists demand Israel be held accountable for its high crimes. 

They support Palestinian self-determination, ending militarized occupation harshness, assuring the right of return for its diaspora population, and dismantling Israel’s apartheid wall, among other objectives.

Its tactics involve “calls for boycott and divestment initiatives in the academic, cultural, economic and sports fields and for pressuring states to implement meaningful sanctions against Israel until it fully complies with its obligations under international law.”

The Jewish state is concerned about growing BDS effectiveness. Below is an honor role of BDS-affiliated organizations Israel banned from the country - part of its war on speech, media and academic freedoms, fundamental rights it flouts, especially initiatives supporting fundamental Palestinian rights.

Israel’s strategic affairs ministry banned members of the following groups from entering the country:


AFPS (The Association France Palestine Solidarité)

BDS France

BDS Italy

ECCP (The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine)

FOA (Friends of al-Aqsa)

IPSC (Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

Norgeׂׂ Palestinakomitee (The Palestine Committee of Norway)

PGS Palestinagrupperna i Sverige (Palestine Solidarity Association in Sweden)

PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

War on Want

BDS Kampagne

United States:

AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)

AMP (American Muslims for Palestine)

Code Pink

JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace)

NSJP (National Students for Justice in Palestine)

USCPR (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights)

Latin America:

BDS Chile

South Africa:

BDS South Africa


BNC (BDS National Committee)

Extremist strategist affairs minister Gilad Erdan ludicrously said “(w)e have shifted from defense to offense.”

Israeli strategy was always offensive, starting with its 1948 war of aggression against the Palestinian people, massacring and displacing hundreds of thousands from their historic homeland.

I, an American Jew, am now banned from entering Israel for my cultural BDS membership, along with standing in solidarity with millions of persecuted Palestinians, and expressing strong opposition to Israeli ruthlessness.

I consider my banishment a badge of honor - supporting right over wrong!

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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