
ISIS Defeated in Iraq and Syria?


ISIS Defeated in Iraq and Syria?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

ISIS remains a force to be reckoned with as long as it’s supported by the US, NATO, Israel, the Saudis and Jordanians.

In June, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said “remaining pockets of resistance of ISIS terrorists in Syria are only in areas controlled by the United States,” adding:

“Further expansion of ISIS in Syria became possible due to criminal inaction of the US and the so-called ‘international coalition,’ which resulted in quickly gaining control by ISIS militants over the main oil-bearing areas of Eastern Syria and constant flow of funds from the illegal sale of oil products.”

Washington and its imperial partners continue supplying ISIS and other terrorist groups with funding and heavy weapons.

Last week, SouthFront said Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces launched attacks aimed at eliminating ISIS cells where they’re active in the country.

AMN News issued a similar report, saying Iraqi security forces and tribal fighters launched a military operation in the “Rawa, Rutba and al-Waleed region to secure the Iraqi-Syrian borders and the western desert (to) eliminat(e) the presence of Islamic State cells, along with destroying tunnels and hideouts that could be used by the militants.”

The battle to eliminate ISIS in Iraq continues with no end of it in prospect any time soon.

A year after Iraqi forces and US-led terror-bombing raped and destroyed Mosul on the phony pretext of defeating ISIS, its sleeper cells remain active - undermining security, preventing the restoration of peace in the country.

Endless conflict and turmoil serve Washington’s imperial agenda. Peace and stability defeat it.

Earlier known as the “highway of death,” the Baghdad/Kirkuk highway remains one of the dangerous roadways in Iraq because of the presence of US-supported ISIS fighters.

A cab driver explained the danger, saying “(d)riving to Baghdad is getting riskier every day, and we only drive during daylight because now it is impossible to drive after sunset,” adding: 

“We hear about more and more kidnappings and fake checkpoints by Daesh. We don’t know how long it will go on like this and at what point it becomes the highway of death again” - making it impossible to travel on it any time.

Hostages are frequently taken. Corpses show up dumped along roadways and elsewhere in the country.

According to an unnamed Iraqi military source, ISIS “switched to sleeper cell tactics and took refuge in the rural areas around Diyala, Kirkuk and the Hamrin mountains that are far from the outposts of government forces.”

“Their fighters shaved off their beards and wear normal civilian clothes. They might be walking (in public) as we speak.”

They “have no mercy and they don’t spare anyone coming their way, which makes it harder for us to gather information about their movement in such areas.”

Unknown numbers of ISIS elements remain active in the country, carrying out numerous attacks.

US-installed Iraqi puppet prime minister Haider Abadi’s declaration of victory over ISIS last July was public posturing alone, far from reality on the ground.

A Final Comment

Protests continue in Iraq over unaddressed massive corruption and indifference by the Abadi regime to economic crisis conditions affecting millions of impoverished, unemployed and internally displaced Iraqis.

Its oil wealth fails to address vital needs of ordinary Iraqis, basic services lacking throughout the country.

According to Iraqi news sources on Tuesday, Abadi regime security forces killed 14 protesters, hundreds more injured and arrested.

Demonsrations begun two weeks earlier in oil-rich Basra spread to Baghdad and elsewhere in the country.

Iraqis have been suffering for decades with no relief in prospect, victims of US imperial viciousness.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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