
Iran/Syria Defense Agreement


Iran/Syria Defense Agreement

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Throughout years of US orchestrated and directed aggression in Syria, Iranian military advisors have been involved, aiding Damascus combat the scourge of US supported ISIS and other terrorists.

On Sunday in Damascus, Iran’s Defense Minister General Amir Hatami and his Syrian counterpart General Ali Abdullah Ayyoub signed a defense and technical cooperation agreement.

It “define(s) areas of bilateral presence, participation, and cooperation” in defending the security of both nations.

According to Hatami, “Syria is moving out of crisis and entering the reconstruction phase” – despite US orchestrated war still raging in parts of the country, tens of thousands of terrorists the Trump regime supports still active.

Ayyoub stressed the importance of Syrian/Iranian cooperative relations, stressing “we will realize our national interests, and not allow any party or country to cause damage to the strong and firm relations of the two countries.”

“It was thanks to the Islamic Republic’s support and cooperation that great victories were achieved against terrorist groups and their patrons.”

Since 2011, the Islamic Republic has provided military and technical assistance to Syria against foreign-backed terrorists. It’ll continue as long as Damascus requests it.

Hatami explained that “Iran’s private sector has high enough capacities to help the Syrian people and government in the reconstruction process,” adding:

“The Islamic Republic also possesses a strong defense power and can help Syria to develop military equipment” to help defeat the scourge of US-backed terrorists in the country.

Syrian forces are mobilizing to free Idlib province from the scourge of US supported terrorists.

Russian warships were deployed in the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf to bolster Moscow’s military involvement against US-supported terrorists in Syria.

They’re also there ahead of an expected US/UK Idlib province false flag CW incident to be wrongfully blamed on Damascus – US/UK/French terror-bombing likely to follow like earlier, most recently in April after the Douma CW false flag.

Despite liberation of most Syrian territory from the scourge of US-supported terrorists, Washington’s rage for endless war and regime change remain the most significant threat to the country’s security – what imperial lawlessness is all about, menacing all sovereign independent states.

Separately, SouthFront cited Kurdish Bas News, saying US forces in northeast Syria installed radar stations in territory the Pentagon illegally occupies – ahead of establishing an unlawful no-fly zone over the area, explaining:

“Imposing a no-fly zone that would possibly cover the areas from Manbij to Deir Ezzor requires the installation of such devices in many areas in northern and eastern Syria, especially in Kobani and Rmelan (airbases where) ‘radars were installed.”

“The no-fly zone is a step towards a stronger return of the US to the Syrian file by consolidating the military presence of the international coalition, led by (the Pentagon) to confront various parties, including Iran.”

War in Syria continues because Trump regime hardliners oppose ending it.

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