
Fukushima Research

Health Planet Research

Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima – OceanRep

Time for Japan to take control of the Fukushima disaster | Greenpeace International

NYTimes: 400 tons of highly radioactive water going into Pacific each day from Fukushima plant, says Tepco — Top Nuclear Regulator: This is a crisis

Tepco Official: This is extremely serious — We are unable to control radioactive water seeping out of Fukushima plant (VIDEO)

Fukushima drainage has 20,000 tons of water with radioactive substance – TEPCO — RT News

BBC News – Fukushima radioactive water leak an ’emergency’

Spill-over threat: Fukushima radioactive groundwater rises above barrier level — RT News


Radiation Of The Pacific Ocean In The Next 10 Years – Japan Nuclear Disaster

Fukushima NHK Documentary Two Years Later

Sources – Energy News

Fukushima Diary

Fukushima Update | Nuclear News from Japan

Fukushima Reactor Disaster – Archive with hundreds of articles and videos


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