
Fake News Proliferator NYT Criticizes RT and Sputnik News


Fake News Proliferator NYT Criticizes RT and Sputnik News

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The deplorable NYT features daily disinformation, Big Lies and fake news, instead of the real thing.     

RT and Sputnik News are polar opposite, journalism the way it’s supposed to be - why their operations are criticized. Truth-telling they feature exposes US propaganda, the deplorable NYT America’s leading print proliferator.

In a lengthy piece, The Times cited a declassified CIA, FBI, NSA report titled “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections.”

America’s intelligence community, most everyone else in Washington, and US media scoundrels know no Russian meddling in America’s electoral process occurred.

Claims otherwise are disgraceful fabrications. The Times quoted Obama Pentagon intelligence official Michael Vickers, calling nonexistent Russian meddling “the political equivalent of 9/11.”

You have to be dimwitted to believe it. The intelligence community report maliciously lied claiming:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election.” 

“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Fact: All of the above is pure rubbish. The Times presented it as gospel, functioning as a Pentagon, intelligence community  press agent, abandoning its journalistic responsibility.

The intelligence community report bashed RT unjustifiably, falsely claiming it works with “covert (Russian) intelligence operations (to) undermine the US-led liberal democratic order.”

Fact: RT and Sputnik News provide real news, information and analysis - polar opposite rubbish US media scoundrels feature, notably The Times, CIA-connected Washington Post and deplorable television fare pretending to be legitimate.

Fact: No “US-led liberal democratic order” exists. The growing popularity of RT and Sputnik News worries US media giants, losing audience to more credible alternatives.

RT and Sputnik aren’t “information weapons,” as The Times claims. They’re legitimate sources of real news - polar opposite how deplorable Western media operate.

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