
CNN’s Journalist of the Year Featured Fake News


CNN’s Journalist of the Year Featured Fake News

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

All major media pseudo-journalists do the same thing, some honored for deception and Big Lies - truth-telling on major issues considered verboten. More on this below.

In 2014, Der Spiegel reporter Claas Relotius was CNN’s “Journalist of the Year.” In 2017, he was awarded the European Press Prize.

He also received the Deutscher Reporterpreis award for outstanding journalism (sic) four times, including in 2018. Forbes magazine honored him as one of its “30 under 30 Europe” award recipients. 

His material was published in other German-language publications, including Cicero, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, NZZ am Sonntag, Financial Times Deutschland, taz, Die Welt, SZ-Magazin, Die Weltwoche, Zeit Online and Reportagen.

On December 19, Der Spiegel revealed that he made stuff up, produced fake news, “falsif(ying) (material) on a grand scale…invent(ing) stories or distort(ing) facts…deceiving…readers” repeatedly.

CNN is the most untrustworthy name in television news. Its reporters operate like Relotius, rewarded for fake news, fired for truth-telling if dare go this way.

The same goes for the rest of the US-led Western media establishment - operating polar opposite the way journalism is supposed to be.

CNN tried wiping egg off its face for the award given Relotius, a spokesman saying he was honored by company, but “never worked for it and never had anything published on (its) platforms.”

He received two CNN awards, the last one in 2015, both stripped by the company’s “awards jury.” He was defrocked by Der Spiegel for over-faking fake news and getting caught. 

Relotius produced rubbish his way. His Western counterparts do the same thing their way - following orders from media bosses. 

Editorial boards prohibit journalism the way it should be, featuring truth-telling, notably on geopolitical issues, especially about nations the US targets for regime change, including ones raped and destroyed by naked aggression.

Western major media reporters, columnists, and editors operate as press agents for wealth, power, and privilege - consistently featuring disinformation, Big Lies and fake news on issues mattering most - suppressing what’s most important to report.

Pulitzer Prizes are awarded annually for managed news misinformation and disinformation rubbish - for official narrative reporting, polar opposite truth-telling, the sworn enemy of state-sponsored propaganda and major media reporters proliferating it.

Spurious reporting is honored time and again. The greater the deception on major issues, the more likely to be recognized for it.

Journalism the way it’s supposed to be is an endangered species, almost entirely only available online from independent web editors and contributing sources.

The American Press Institute defines journalism as “the gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information,” adding:

Its “characteristics and practices…separate journalism from other forms of communication…mak(ing) it indispensable to democratic societies.”

“(J)ournalism provide(s) citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.”

Major media rubbish lets Western fantasy democracies betray their citizens. A free press in America, Europe, and most other countries exists in name only.

Increasingly what passes for media in the US, EU, and elsewhere replicates how totalitarian states operate - political systems where ruling authorities exert total control, including over media.

In America and Europe, the fourth estate goes along with the dirty system voluntarily, sticking with the official narrative on major geopolitical and domestic issues, truth-telling censored or banished entirely from reporting, concealing what powerful dark forces want suppressed.

Major Western reporting is too corrupted to change. Relotius was a drop in a very polluted ocean of anti-journalism. His sacking won’t change a thing. 

Dark forces in editorial offices operate in lockstep with regimes running things in Washington, Europe, and most elsewhere.

Disinformation and fake news are what major media reporters do best, journalism as advocacy for and support of powerful interests.

America is worst of all among Western nations - news consumers consistently lied to on issues mattering most.

Print and television reporters operate like Relotius - producing fake news, not the real thing.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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