
Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, White Helmets and Venezuela

Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, White Helmets and Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) again stressed that Syria’s Idlib province “remains the main hotbed of tensions and violence.” She failed to explain that Turkey’s Erdogan betrayed Putin, promising to disarm al-Nusra and other […]

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Save Venezuelan Sovereignty by Sino/Russian Led Peacekeepers

Save Venezuelan Sovereignty by Sino/Russian Led Peacekeepers by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) A previous article touched on the issue. Preserving and protecting the sovereignty of any nation from internal conflict or the threat of foreign takeover is what peacekeeping is supposed to be all about. Russia, China, and other countries supporting […]

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SOUTHCOM Head Threatens Military Intervention in Venezuela

SOUTHCOM Head Threatens Military Intervention in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Pentagon hammer treats everything targeted like a nail, notably nations, one after another pounded to rubble, the human toll of no consequence. In Thursday testimony before Senate Armed Services Committee members, SOUTHCOM commander Admiral Craig Faller turned truth […]

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Trump to Ban Chinese Telecom Imports?

Trump to Ban Chinese Telecom Imports? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) How much Trump regime effrontery and abuse will China take before saying no more? Where will its red line be drawn? Are the world’s two largest economies too irreconcilably apart in trade talks and other issues to strike a meaningful […]

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Maduro’s Open Letter to the American People

Maduro’s Open Letter to the American People by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Addressed to the American people on Facebook, it’s more an open letter to the world community.  Addressing ordinary people is an exercise in futility, especially Americans with no say over how they’re governed – exploited by their ruling authorities, […]

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Saudi Crown Prince Threatened to Kill Khashoggi Months Before His Murder

Saudi Crown Prince Threatened to Kill Khashoggi Months Before His Murder? Jamal Khashoggi was a marked man. Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) clearly wanted him eliminated. According to the NYT, “he told a top aide…in 2017 that he would use ‘a bullet’ on (him) if (he) did not return to the kingdom and […]

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Trump Regime Intends Forceful Takeover of Venezuela

Trump Regime Intends Forceful Takeover of Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) US governance under Republicans and undemocratic Dems is fascist wrapped in the American flag. Deep-seated fascism flourished under the Clinton co-presidency, Bush/Cheney and Obama, worst of all ongoing under Trump regime hardliners. Their agenda is the most ruthlessly dangerous […]

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Bribes, Pressure, Bullying, Threats, and Force Are What US Coups Are Made Of

Bribes, Pressure, Bullying, Threats, and Force Are What US Coups Are Made Of by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Coups are a US tradition, notably since the mid-19th century, mostly post-WW II – part of imperial America’s aim to rule the world, brute force its favorite strategy. Key is enlisting internal support […]

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Usurper in Waiting Guaido Wants Venezuelan Oil Privatized

Usurper in Waiting Guaido Wants Venezuelan Oil Privatized by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) According to Bloomberg News, US-designated puppet Guaido, a traitor to Venezuela and its people, wants state-owned oil giant PDVSA opened to private investment. He supports Washington’s scheme to have Big Oil take over the company, incrementally at first, […]

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US Weapons for Coup Plotters Seized at Venezuelan Airport

US Weapons for Coup Plotters Seized at Venezuelan Airport by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) US coup tactics in Venezuela include economic war et al, political assassinations, orchestrated street violence, establishment media-supported propaganda war, supplying coup plotters with weapons, and military intervention if all else fails. That’s how imperialism works. According to […]

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