
Putin and Trump Talk, Nothing Changes

Putin and Trump Talk, Nothing Changes by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Both leaders reportedly spoke for around 90 minutes on Friday, “at the initiative of the American side,” according to the president of Russia’s web site, explaining: Discussion focused on the “current (dismal) state and prospects of bilateral relations,” including for […]

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Mikhail Gorbachev on Nuclear Madness

Mikhail Gorbachev on Nuclear Madness by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Aged-87 and frail hasn’t diminished Gorbachev’s passion for stepping back from the brink of possible nuclear war in pursuit of world peace and stability. In an October 2018 op-ed, he  said “(t)here are still too many nuclear weapons in the world,” […]

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Iran Vows to Keep Exporting Oil and Gas

Iran Vows to Keep Exporting Oil and Gas by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Trump regime’s aim to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero is doomed to fail, Iran and its key allies to circumvent illegal US sanctions on the country. Russia vowed to increase cooperation with Iran. Tehran’s envoy to […]

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Media Response to Aftermath of Fizzled Coup Plot in Venezuela

Media Response to Aftermath of Fizzled Coup Plot in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Events on Tuesday were more a tempest in a teapot fiasco than a serious coup attempt — ordered by Trump regime hardliners to promote their plot to topple President Maduro and eliminate Venezuelan social democracy. US-led […]

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The NYT Lying Machine on Venezuela

The NYT Lying Machine on Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Times consistently deceives readers in reporting on virtually all major world and national issues, especially relating to nations on the US target list for regime. Venezuela is in the eye of its storm, supporting the Trump regime’s coup plot […]

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Trump Regime’s AG Barr v. Undemocratic Dems

Trump Regime’s AG Barr v. Undemocratic Dems by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) With rare exceptions, there’s nary ever a profile in courage in Washington. It’s a cesspool of rogue governance too debauched to change. Both sides of the aisle, the executive, and key bureaucrats are on the wrong side of what […]

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Trump Reportedly Reluctant to Intervene in Venezuela Militarily

Trump Reportedly Reluctant to Intervene in Venezuela Militarily by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Put nothing past him. Straightaway in office, he sold out to dark forces controlling his geopolitical and domestic policies — serving their interests at the expense of world peace, equity and justice. In tweets, public addresses, and other […]

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Media Propaganda War on Venezuela

Media Propaganda War on Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Establishment media operate as foot soldiers for imperial interests and corporate America, manipulating the public mind to serve them, featuring managed news misinformation and disinformation, suppressing what everyone needs to know on major issues. The NYT is in the vanguard of […]

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Assange’s Unjust Sentence, Will Fight Extradition to US

Assange’s Unjust Sentence, Will Fight Extradition to US by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Grossly mistreating Assange and Chelsea Manning is all about silencing truth-telling, wanting dirty secrets about imperial high crimes suppressed, what the public has a right to know, what journalism the way it should be is obligated to report […]

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Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors v. Police State America

Venezuelan DC Embassy Protectors v. Police State America by Stephen Lendman What’s going on inside and outside Venezuela’s DC embassy is a symbolic struggle for the country’s sovereign rights — to preserve and protect its soul. Embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic facilities in host countries are sovereign territory of nations operating them. UN Charter Article […]

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