SpaceX holds unique multi generational technology advantage for US Military and Economy

Global Intel Hub — Seeing how Elon is again in a tweet drama over his ‘absurd’ suggestion that we may avert war with peace (oh the drama!) we wanted to elaborate on the crown jewels of the US system – SpaceX.  Elon’s posturing before WW3 breaks out is appropriate for his position as CEO and […]

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Iron Mountain CEO Says He’s Been “Praying for Inflation” ( As corporate profits reach record high, Iron Mountain executive tells Wall Street inflation is great for “the bottom line.” Jon Schwarz, Ken Klippenstein September 28 2022, 1:06 p.m. THE CEO OF Iron Mountain Inc. told Wall Street analysts at a September 20 investor event that the high levels […]

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CIA Just Invested In Woolly Mammoth Resurrection Tech ( While skeptics doubt the prospects for de-extinction, the CIA’s venture capital firm deems powerful genetic manipulation tools worth the money. Daniel Boguslaw September 28 2022, 11:03 a.m. AS A RAPIDLY ADVANCING climate emergency turns the planet ever hotter, the Dallas-based biotechnology company Colossal Biosciences has a vision: “To […]

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GLOC, SLOC …ILOC? CDR Salamander Sept 29, 2022 With what looks like sabotage of the Nordstream 1 & 2 pipelines under the Baltic Sea bringing a momentary focus on critical infrastructure on the seabed, now is the perfect time point everyone to Pierre Morcos and Colin Wall’s 2021 CSIS commentary, Invisible and Vital: Undersea Cables and Transatlantic Security. In the national […]

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hollywood global intel hub

California Annexed by US Army winning war against the Mexicans – 1848

Global Intel Hub — There are 39 Million people (officially) in California, as well it is home to Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and a huge number of top secret military bases, and is a US owned treasure – perhaps one of the most valuable assets of the United States.   In the 19th century the United States […]

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Dismantle the Federal US Government already

Do you hear the sucking sound, it’s a giant vacuum and it’s sucking all the value out of your pocket.  The out of control Federal government is drunk with power and is like a crack junkie looking for a fix. Here’s a test:  Name one thing the US Government did that created value, cured a […]

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Woke Anti-Racism and the attack on free speech is bad for markets

Global Intel Hub – Woke-ism is no joke.  According to Billionaire Peter Thiel, it’s extremism similar to Wahhabism: “Wokeness”, he posited, plays the same role as Wahabbism in the similarly afflicted Saudi Arabia.  There is, of course, a minority — “maybe 20%” of true believers — but mostly it is a sort of lip service […]

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DOJ nabs $100m Crypto Ponzi EmpireX

Global Intel Hub — Charlotte, NC — 9/9/2022– It seems that fraud surrounding Crypto will never end.  The idea that a new electronic asset class is confusing to the masses attracts scammers like moths to bright lights.  The United States Department of Justice announced yesterday the guilty plea in a $100 Million ponzi scheme, purporting […]

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Triple Agent Trump – A secret agent of the Deep State / Brotherhood of the Freemasons

Passionate Trump supporters even agree something is ‘wrong’ with Trump.  Either he’s not conservative enough, not hard enough on the deep state, or too soft with his enemies.  With all his talk about ‘lock her up’ it was only a catchy campaign slogan and nothing more.  Not a single arrest was made during his presidency.  […]

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EXPOSED: LabCorp sued for faking paternity tests – who’s your daddy?

(  Remote, USA — 8/19/2022 — Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LH) commonly known as “LabCorp” was sued in the US District Court, Southern District of California yesterday (August 18, 2022) for selling what can only be characterized as fake paternity tests.  How they faked a test was obfuscated by ‘science’ that most lay people […]

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