What’s holding Private Markets back

From VCC: 11/10/2023 Private Markets including VC funding, Pre IPO secondary’s, primary financing rounds, and other private deals have ground to a halt.  Overall volumes are down, number of deals are down, and the bid/ask spread has widened.  Private markets are opaque and complex, however, the market dynamics here are really simple and we’re going […]

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Disclosure Field Resonance and Remote Viewing Force Field at GSIC 2023 protecting Disclosure

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 11/11/2023 — Recently one of our GIH white hat agents attended the GSIC conference in Orlando, FL and collected some amazing intelligence.  Firstly to tie this into global markets, the US government is sitting on a multi-trillion dollar patent portfolio with technologies like life extension, cures for cancer […]

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Investing in Alternative Markets like Disclosure in 2023 including Disruptive Paradigm Shift Technologies

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN – 11/2/2023 — Why do some lawns grow better than others?  There’s only one answer – time and money.  Either hire an expensive professional service, or spend half your day doing the work yourself, which is going to include research, buying supplies, tilling the soil, fertilizing, watering just right […]

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Safe and light EVTOL Helicopter needs 30m to certify and build

Global Intel Hub — Auckland, New Zealand — 10/17/2023  — Every industry rises and goes parabolic, but aerospace development seemed to stop around 1960.  Most helicopters and airplanes flying today, were using technology from the 1950s.  Whatever is the reason for this, some pilots have looked at this from a practical perspective, and designed their […]

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Veritas Capital: Exposing the bait of the global slave trade in our schools

Global Intel Hub — Markets define society, but markets and the economy represent the first layer only; we live in a multi dimensional world.  In order to understand markets, politics, and society more deeply, we need to understand the powerful forces that drive it.  Many have realized in the past years, and others have admitted […]

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Investor Karma and Ethical Investments and Trades

Global Intel Hub — Professional investors due a huge amount of due diligence, they calculate margins and book value to equity ratios, year on year revenue growth and hundreds of other metrics.  That’s all great but we want to take a break and talk about Investor Karma.  Karma is a real thing.  And so is […]

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Healthy Balanced Stock Portfolio At Any Account Size

Having a balanced portfolio is key to growth, we all know that.  There’s tons of great articles on Seeking Alpha outlining this.  Our unique take on this portfolio is that you can do it with literally any account balance.  You don’t need to be accredited, nor do you need to have $10,000 in the account.  […]

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4 – Smells like Teen Spirit – Bots

Global Intel Hub — 8/31/2023 Word on the street in the intel community is that huge world changing disclosure is coming soon (this year or next) which will fundamentally change the way we think about life.  There are those in the Deep State that don’t want this to happen, because they will lose control on […]

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hollywood global intel hub

κύκνειον ᾆσμα – Deep State Swan Song – SpaceX sued for following DOD policies

Global Intel Hub — 8 25 2023 — Word on the street is that the deep state has been eradicated from their underground bases and is on the run from Earth.  We have seen only circumstancial evidence of that, however, the case against SpaceX is so absurd it fits into the category of “Swan Song.” […]

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