DEI: It was never about Race and always about Class

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 2/7/2024  Have you ever met or seen a Racist?  After living in the South for more than 20 years, I can tell you real Racism is a thing of the past.  Many of us have met those old timers that still feel in their hearts the hate from […]

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Congressman Tim Burchett (R) talks Technology, Stocks, and Monopolies holding back Disclosure with Global Intel Hub

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — We have created a Podcast Vlog format we call “Intelligence Storm” in a short, inside of 20 minutes timeframe, where we talk with thought leaders, disruptive entrepreneurs, intellectuals, founders, and other industry people.  Topics include Markets, Business, Advanced Technology, Geopolitics, Exopolitics, Philosophy, and Quantum Physics.  (More info at […]

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Secondary markets poised to tick up as bids come back in

Global Intel Hub — 1/29/2024 — Private Markets have seen volumes drop significantly compared to the 2021 high, due to a lack of cash as well as valuations being slashed nearly across the board.  Companies like Stripe, Chime, Plaid, and others are trading at significant discounts to their 2021 highs.  Only a handful of companies […]

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Monster Snow hits Knoxville, TN up to 12″ in some parts city has stopped

Global Intel Hub — 1/20/2024 — Knoxville, TN is still recovering from 10″ – 12″ of snow which is very unusual for these parts.  Locals say it hasn’t snowed like this since the Blizzard of ’93 – schools have been closed, mail is not delivered and trash not picked up.  Local grocery stores were emptied […]

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The Ponzi Like System of Vulture Capitalism

Global Intel Hub — First article of the new year!  Private Markets are just that: private.  That means they are ‘dark’ which is the opposite of ‘light’ – you have no information.  If you invest in a private company for example, you don’t get access to financials or other company information.  For publicly traded stocks, […]

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Trump, Musk, and Disclosure – Psy Op or Ascension to New Paradigm

Global Intel Hub — ZH Exclusive!! — Zero Hedge loves controversy so let’s use 3 of the most popular trigger words, never used freely like this in the same title:  Musk, Trump, and Disclosure. This is part of our ongoing coverage of the Disclosure Operation currently underway, with a focus on how it will affect […]

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Who is the Deep State, Cabal, Illuminati, Dark Ones, the Brotherhood of the Snake?

Global Intel Hub– ((From the VOID)) — The Deep State is perhaps not the best term, or perhaps it is multi-dimensional language?  On the surface, the “Deep State” are unelected Government officials who wield huge powers, also known as the Administrative State.  A deeper look at the term may mean the “State” or “Government” that […]

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The Disclosure Truth – Why should we care? – Breakdown of Disclosure and Technology Patent Portfolio public release and parties involved

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN — 12/5/2023 The US Congress, led by TN Senator Tim Burchett, is involved in a Disclosure process via hearings and laws being passed, regarding the US Government’s possession of non-human technologies and interactions.  For those who don’t know how the US Government works, everything is compartmentalized, in this case, […]

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SpaceX tender priced at 85 to 87 share or 161 Bn valuation, say sources

Global Intel Hub Knoxville, TN — 12/1/2023 — As many investors have been watching the news for any announcements regarding new investment rounds for SpaceX, an NY Post article spooked the market, although the company hasn’t confirmed or denied the price or other information in the article as yet.  Global Intel Hub did some investigation […]

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The Dark Secret of the Open AI Implosion investigated

Global Intel Hub — Knoxville, TN 11/21/2023 — 11:11am — The world has been watching as the world’s leading AI company, Open AI, has imploded.  Media pundits are quick to blame governance issues, but is something deeper going on here?  Is it any coincidence that the board who pushed out founder Sam Altman is also […]

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