IMF Prepares Financial Revolution — Say Goodbye To The Dollar | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge IMF Prepares Financial Revolution — Say Goodbye To The Dollar | ZeroHedge Global reserve currency status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Treasury Department understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The petrodollar monopoly made the U.S. dollar essential […]

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PAMP It: Costco Selling Up To $200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge PAMP It: Costco Selling Up To $200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates | ZeroHedge Last December, wholesale retailer Costco announced that they had sold over $100 million worth of gold in Q3 2023. “” sad CFO Richard Galenti. Now, Wells Fargo estimates that Costco “may now be running at” […]

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In The Next Several Weeks, We Could See $300 Billion Of Liquidity Leaving The System | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge In The Next Several Weeks, We Could See $300 Billion Of Liquidity Leaving The System | ZeroHedge What’s Under the Surface? Over the last 30 years — most of the time, the CBOE Volatility Index has been supported by investors looking for downside protection in buying puts. But 2024 is much like 1999. […]

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Secretive Experiment To Shoot Aerosols Into The Sky Over San Francisco To Increase Cloud Cover | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge A secretive project conducted from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay will shoot trillions of aerosol particles into the sky to increase cloud cover in the name of preventing global warming, and details have been held back to “avoid (a) public backlash.” The experiment is being dubbed America’s […]

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Behind Today’s Stellar Jobs Print: It Was Literally ALL Part-Time Jobs (And Illegals) | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Behind Today’s Stellar Jobs Print: It Was Literally ALL Part-Time Jobs (And Illegals) | ZeroHedge First things first: unlike the last two months when both the January and February jobs prints were beyond ridiculously manipulated and goalseeked to pass a terrible number as a strong one, the March print was not a complete […]

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Payment Processor Stripe Backs Off Dr. Malone After Legal Threat | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Payment Processor Stripe Backs Off Dr. Malone After Legal Threat | ZeroHedge Stripe, the only payment processor Substack writers can use, has backed off a demand that Dr. Robert Malone link his bank account, according to the law firm Dr. Malone retained. Stripe earlier in March asked Dr. Malone, who has an EpochTV […]

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Lego Lineups: Company Warns California P.D. To Stop Using Lego Heads To Hide Criminal’s Faces | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Lego Lineups: Company Warns California P.D. To Stop Using Lego Heads To Hide Criminal’s Faces | ZeroHedge Murrieta is a city in Southern California with just over 100,000 residents. Even though it isn’t a huge city, the Neighborhood Scout, a website that tracks local statistics for potential homebuyers or renters, reported this about the […]

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Bitcoin Ponzi One Event away from Zero — Bitcoin is all the rage again and it seems a new group of victims is now investing in what may be the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of finance.  We published a book Splitting Bits some time ago that explained a lot of these arguments, but it was drowned out by the […]

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Did You Spot The Gorilla In The Fed’s Meeting Room? | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge Did You Spot The Gorilla In The Fed’s Meeting Room? | ZeroHedge Monetary policy remains exceptionally loose given one of the fastest rate-hiking cycles seen. Pressure is likely to remain on rate expectations to move higher as the Federal Reserve reluctantly eases back on its December pivot, with the fed funds and SOFR […]

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‘Dovish’ Powell Destroys ‘Hawkish’ Dots; Sends Stocks, Gold, & Crypto Soaring | ZeroHedge

From: zerohedge ‘Dovish’ Powell Destroys ‘Hawkish’ Dots; Sends Stocks, Gold, & Crypto Soaring | ZeroHedge The FOMC dropped its dot-plot and it was unequivocally more hawkish than the Dec dots with 2024 flat at 3 cuts (though more voters moved towards only 50bps), but 2025 and beyond saw rate-cuts erased from the projections… Then Powell […]

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