
How to think Chinese – Developing a long term view

Before we begin we need to clear a few biases.  People confuse culture, politics, and economy.  For example, there is confusion about the differences between socialism and communism; many people think they are the same.  Also people equate communism with USSR style communism, which was less communist than your local community.  The most communist organization […]

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Little Ice Age is Coming in 2014

Thursday, March 7, 2013 19:34 The cooling is a significant warning that the globe is headed towards a Little Ice Age (LIA), climate scientists have predicted that 2014 is the beginning of a new age, the earth will go through a series of unstable variations in which global temperature will fluctuate into dangerously cold climate. […]

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Global Intel Hub

Global Intel Hub is an online information brokerage service with a focus on analysis, intelligence, and research. Breaking news research – When events such as 911, Hurricane Katrina, a plane crash in San Francisco, or the Fukushima event in Japan happen; it may take weeks or longer for a wide understanding of key facts.  In […]

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12 facts all investors should know

1) The Federal Reserve is a private bank.  It is not a part of the US Government.  Ironically, the FDIC is owned and operated by the US Government, as are many other government sponsored organizations that would bear the burden of any crisis. “Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government […]

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Forex Broker Research

The best resources to learn about Forex brokers are independent review sites and blogs.  Forex brokers have setup websites and even entire networks of information that deliver biased information suggesting to use their platform.  Here are some great independent review sites and resources about Forex brokers: Forex Peace Army – The original Forex review site […]

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