
IMF Economists Say The Economic Recovery Is A Fake

WE ALWAYS BELIEVE THE IMF Yet another ‘leaked report’ this time tells us something we have suspected for a long time – not only concerning the IMF’s underhand “plausible denial” way of communicating bad news. The story starts with an internal IMF report called ‘confidential’ which was ‘leaked to a Wall St Journal contributor’. This […]

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Global Tax Chaos coming

The OECD has stated in a report commissioned by the G20 that there will be “global tax chaos” in the next few years due to falling tax revenues from multinational companies around the world. Perhaps we could have saved a few thousand dollars by not commissioning the OECD report, since we could have all told them that was going […]

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Keeping the NSA in Perspective

By George Friedman In June 1942, the bulk of the Japanese fleet sailed to seize the Island of Midway. Had Midway fallen, Pearl Harbor would have been at risk and U.S. submarines, unable to refuel at Midway, would have been much less effective. Most of all, the Japanese wanted to surprise the Americans and draw […]

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40 Stats That Show The U.S. Economy’s Real Collapse Over The Past Decade

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog [17], The “coming economic collapse” has already been happening.  You see, the truth is that the economic collapse is not a single event.  It has already started, it is happening right now, and it will accelerate during the years ahead.  The statistics in this article show very clearly that the […]

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Counter Intelligence Series

Counter-Intelligence: I – The Company from S DN on Vimeo. Counter-Intelligence: II – The Deep State from S DN on Vimeo. Counter-Intelligence: Part III – The Strategy of Tension from S DN on Vimeo. Counter-Intelligence: IV – Necrophilous from S DN on Vimeo. Counter-Intelligence: V – Drone Nation from S DN on Vimeo. About:

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