
Fidelity Bans IRA Bitcoin Investments Days After Permitting Them

The debate over the institutional use of Bitcoin continues, as Fidelity allows IRA investment into Bitcoin, but then quickly reverses their position: Following what we can only imagine was uproar following our discussion of Fidelity “allowing self-directed IRA holders to ‘invest’ in Bitcoin,” [3] the company has very quickly reversed policy… As MarketWatch notes [4], “On an individual basis, we […]

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Volcker Rule Ushers in Era of Increased Oversight of Trades

Finally, the Volcker rule is being implemented, after 3 years of debate and modifications.  Although it’s not as originally proposed, today is the first day the rule is being enforced.  It’s questionable though, how much this rule will actually impact the markets.  Banks are now not doing proprietary trading, but other entities will.  What this […]

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Bitcoin crashes back down to $576 as Wall St. notices

Bitcoin has crashed to $576 and recovered a bit, all in a matter of days, down from it’s high by more than 50%. It was inevitable that a few short days after Wall Street lovingly embraced Bitcoin as their own, with analysts fromBank of America, Citigroup and others, not to mention the clueless momentum-chasing, peanut gallery vocally […]

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Bitcoin selling off as Baidu halts Bitcoin payments

Bitcoin being sold off as Baidu halts payments due to ‘value fluctuation’ – another ding in the credibility of the new digital crypto currency. Bitcoin is being sold aggressively on heavy volume as this headline hits: *BAIDU SUSPENDS BITCOIN PAYMENT ACCEPTANCE ON VALUE FLUCTUATION And the official, google-translated announcement from the BIDU website [4]:  [5] This is […]

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Future of Eurozone looking bleak without reforms

Europe’s prospects continue to look bleak.  With some youth unemployment rates around 50%, it’s hard to imagine how a new generation of European workers will participate in any recovery.  Europe’s overall unemployment figures are still well higher than in the US, even considering that US numbers are not a true reflection of real unemployment in […]

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