CIAs role in financial markets EXPOSED by documents release

The CIA is under pressure from a lot of individuals and groups that question the agency’s relevance in today’s world, even Jack Ma dropped the comment at Davos that $14 Trillion was ‘wasted’ on wars over the years.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies – Understanding Forex – The CIA has been a currency manipulator […]

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Playing The Trump Effect On FX Markets

Trump will soon assume his elected office, and potentially change FX markets forever. Well, it’s already happened. But what we’ve seen happen now, has been mostly ‘talk’ – whereas in 4 days, it will be ‘reality.’ First let’s look at the best example in FX of the Trump Effect, USD/JPY traded as (FXY), Guggenheim CurrencyShares […]

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War on thinking – CIA controls the markets, too

(GLOBALINTELHUB) – There’s been a lot of discussion lately on the ‘internets’ (The internet is a medium which was invented by Al Gore and named ‘internets’ by George Bush) about CIA mind control, and CIA propaganda techniques being heavily used in the campaign to deceive the public about Russian ‘hacking’ and to create false enemies […]

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Russia is a 3rd World Country – 13 SECRET FACTS EXPOSED

Since publishing exclusively on Zero Hedge our expose on Russia in order to ‘counterbalance’ the propaganda out there from the deep state, we’ve learned that there is a deep FACT VOID about this mysterious culture and place called RUSSIA and requires a series of articles.  This is a topic not being covered elsewhere!  And as […]

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Let’s bring capital back to USA, too

It’s laudable that Trump wants to bring factories back to USA.  But how about virtual, monetary factories?  Moving financial institutions such as banks, insurers, brokerage houses, exchanges, and other institutions brings the most bang for the buck when it comes to revitalizing America’s economy. As we explain in Splitting Pennies, even though money doesn’t exist, […]

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Truth in Numbers- Bad math as a propaganda and sales tool

It’s no surprise that the largest employer of mathematicians in the United States is the National Security Agency.  These jobs are not all ‘codebreakers’ – why does the NSA employ so many mathematicians, second only to Wall St.? The biggest secret propaganda and sales tool used by experts in the modern world is the deliberate […]

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How Trump can make billions for America Inc. with no risk, and support the US Dollar

A simple plan to boost the American financial markets and bring back unknown billions in US Dollars, and to solidify the US Dollar as the only World Reserve Currency  Several simple steps to make money for America Inc. and create an environment for growth at the same time Trump’s transition team announced the repealing of […]

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Criminal Clinton Mafia allowed on ticket exposes Shadow masters: One Dollar, One Vote

We’ve been covering a topic for years that we have tried to elaborate in our book “Splitting Pennies – Understanding Forex” that the world is controlled by a secretive group of powerful “Elites” behind the scenes, what some call the “Shadow Government” and what others call “Illuminati” or just “Rockefellers.”  For the greater majority of […]

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